Part 29

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a/n wow chapter one is at 100 reads! tygsm...

Lizzie's POV

I woke up half-asleep. Then I realized where I was, this was not my bedroom but it was Joel's living room! I woke him up and started putting on yesterdays school clothes. I borrowed some of his sisters {thea} pants and a shirt. I Had 15 missed calls from my mum, I rang her back and told her id fallen asleep at Joel's she then told me about when she met him. "Kept that quiet, huh?" I jokingly asked him. "Maybeee" he replied, really dragging the "e". We finished getting ready and walked to the bus stop, hand in hand.

Joel stopped me and held me in his arms. "I love you Elizabeth D****" he told me as I gazed into his dreamy brown eyes. "I love you too, Joel H***". {A/N I know lizzies surname, not Joels and they want to keep them private anyways} He kissed me and we stood under a beautiful tree with clementine, ruby, and canary leaves sharing a moment we would remember forever. The harsh wind whipped my bare fingers, that were holding Joel's cheeks, but I didn't care one bit. Time seemed to stop until we heard the roaring engine of the bus and ran to get on; it was freezing cold. The bus drove off as I and Joel sat huddled together on the top deck, how I loved him.

I arrived at school and before i had even greeted everyone a stressed looking Kyle grabbed my hand and took me to the girls' bathroom. He explained as we ran there that yammy was being uncontrollably sick, morning sickness. Even though i am Yammys best friend i still don't see what difference it will make me being there. She let me in the cubicle and locked the door of it. I felt slightly cramped in the tiny area but reassured Yammy. After 10 minutes of non-stop sickness, she finally stopped. She and Kyle headed to their forms and i headed to mine bumping into a dashing boy on the way...

"Well, well, well who do we have here?" I said chuckling. "Hey babe", Joel said chuckling. "Is Yammy ok?" he asked. I told him about the sickness while we walked to our forms, he turned the corridor to his lovely form tutor: Mr Lang while i continued down to mine, Miss Eren- the biggest bitch i know. As i walked into the room i was greeted to her squeaky ass voice, "Late again i see?". "I have another minute till we officially have to be in this room!" I fired back. "Detention, come back here for 30 minutes at lunch". I grunted and sneakily text Joel, "My squeaky ass bitchy form tutor just gave me 30 mins at lunch, uggggg".

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