"Sooner!" Dean Thomas says eagerly. Many of the students around him nod in agreement.

"The Quiditch season's about to start, we need team practices too!" Angelina interjects quickly.

"Let's say next Wednesday night, then," Harry suggests, "and we can decide on any additional meetings then. Come on, we'd better get going..."

We nod and Harry pulls the Marauder's map out of his robes before he allows students to leave in groups of three to five. Lani, McKenna, and George leave together before Fred, Sylvia and I are allowed to. We walk a grinning Sylvia to the entrance to the kitchens before heading back up the the seventh floor to Gryffindor tower arm in arm.


The next two weeks pass surprisingly quickly, even though we still have to deal with the toad. Umbridge hasn't been able to get under my skin ever since the first meeting of Dumbledore's army. Everyone has been improving loads during meetings, particularly Neville who was finally able to disarm Harry, and Colin Creevey who's mastered the Impediment Jinx.

It's proven impossible to hold the meetings on the same night every week though, as we're working around three Quiditch team schedules and several prefect's as well. That's probably a good thing though, it makes us seem less suspicious when we aren't all gathering together on a specific night each week. Hermione's come up with quite the clever way of communicating the time and date of meetings to everyone. She gave each of the D.A. members a fake Galleon on the edge of each where the serial number would be on a real Galleon the time and date of the next meeting can be found while not appearing suspicious if our pockets were to be searched.

The first Quiditch game of the season is fast approaching and the entire school seems to be on edge as it's Gryffindor against Slytherin. Angelina has been going mad, calling for several practices a week. The twins say that it's like she's turning into Oliver Wood with how strict she's been.

"We've beaten Slytherin before, I don't understand what good Angelina thinks she's doing with all these extra practices. All it does is make us even more exhausted, and that's not going to help our chances of winning." Fred sighs from across the table in the kitchens as a house elf brings a plate of cookies over to us.

"I know Fred, but I think she's just stressed about being captain. She doesn't want to let the team down." I try to reason with him.

"I know, but she's not going to let us down even if we lose." Fred says.

"I just hope that she doesn't try to drown herself in the shower if you lose like Wood has tried to do in the past." I nod thoughtfully, taking a cookie from the plate.

"Well as long as the team can get some good rest tonight she won't even have to think about doing that." Fred yawns.


On the day of the game the stands around the Quiditch pitch fill up almost immediately after breakfast and the game begins. Angelina catches the quaffle right away and speeds towards the Slytherin goal posts.

"And it's Angelina Johnson with the quaffle. What a player that girl is, and very attractive too. I've been saying it for years but she still won't go out with me."

I whip around in my seat to see McGonagall; thin mouthed and shooting a warning glare at Lee who is commentating.

"JORDAN!" She calls out, looking ready to slap him upside the head. I've had that urge before.

"Just a fun fact, Professor, adds a bit of interest." Lee smiles sheepishly.

"Yes, well you'd better speak strictly about the match from this point on." McGonagall orders. Lee nods.

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