Wind beneath my wings

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I can fly higher than an eagle,
For you are the wind beneath my wings

-Bette Midler

Daniel groaned as he gently rotated his shoulders, making his way toward the kitchen to get an ice pack for his swelling knee. Every part of his body hurt like hell.

"I officially hate Grant."

"Me too." Fiona seconded from behind him.

"Me three." Rhowette piped.

"Stop being babies." Philip rolled his eyes at their theatrics.

"Tell it to those two. I get to complain as much as I want because I'm the non-were here with zero enhanced healing abilities."

"Well you kinda do have enhanced healing abilities."

Rhowette paused to look at Philip. Over the years as she grew up she did have a tendency to not bruise for long and to heal perfectly without scars but surely that was nothing compared to the enhanced abilities of werewolves right?

Noting the look of disbelief and confusion on Rhowette's face Philip continued, "When I saved you that night....remember? You kinda healed pretty fast and that's when I rudely started questioning you."

"owww yeah, that." Rhowette trailed of as a look of remembrance stole through her face, followed by an immediate blank look when she remembered how her life has become a roller coaster since then. Especially after finding out that she was apparently not a human. How long had it been since then? A couple of weeks? Almost a month? It felt like she had been living here forever.

"Earth to Rhow."

Fiona waved her palm in Rhowette's face hoping to snap her out of her thoughts. Rhowette shook her head to clear the fog of thoughts that had descended and muttered a sorry before looking around questionably.

"They went to their rooms to shower." Fiona answered, sensing that Rhowette was wondering where the boys had suddenly disappeared off to.

"I guess so should we?"

"Yes. But not before you tell me what is up with you. Especially with how you and Phil had been so tensed yester night."

"It was actually this morning."


"It was after 12am so it was technically morning."

"Whatever smarty pants."

Rhowette smirked and stuck her tongue out childishly before rushing up the stairs to her room.

"Hey Rhow. You don't get to ran away like that." Fiona grumbled before quickly making her way to her own room.

Rhowette smiled in victory when she didn't hear Fiona's footsteps coming after her. She knew she would have to talk to her eventually but for now she could stall. She made her way to the bathroom and quickly stripped before hitting the showers.

15 minutes later, Rhowette walked out of the shower sans clothing and literally screamed when she was met with the figure sitting with her legs crossed underneath her on her bed. She quickly snatched her bath robe from her bed and tied it around her.

"Seriously Fii, seriously."

Looking almost bored, Fiona lifted her brows lazily before speaking.

"You know, you should make it a habit of locking your door especially if you tend to walk out butt naked from the bathroom."

Rhowette flushed crimson and Fiona burst out laughing.

"Owww, little Rhow is so shy. I don't see why you should be shy though. Nudity is almost normal in werewolf communities, you know, with shifting and all."

"Whatever, Fii. Talking about shifting, I've never seen your wolf."

Fiona grinned.

"You can get to see her today. Get dressed and meet me down in five."

With that Fiona left Rhowette in the empty room but not before shouting, "Make sure to lock your room this time. Although I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind getting to see a piece of your fine ass."

"Just great Fii, you had to say that for the whole house to hear?" Rhowette shouted in frustration and embarrassment as she heard Fiona's retreating laughter.

Within minutes, Rhowette had pulled on a pair of dark blue jeans and a tank top with sensible walking boots. Quickly she rushed down to meet a rather impatient Fiona.

"Took you long enough. Lena has been itching to come out and apparently she is ecstatic to meet you."

"Lena?" Rhowette raised her eyebrows questionably.

"Yes. Lena. My wolf."

"Your wolf has a different name? But isn't it still you?"

"Well yes and no. She is her own being but a part of me. Like a different aspect of me. She has her own voice and thoughts."

"That sounds really cool."

"You think? You should see how it feels to have this other person yapping in your head."

"I think I know how it feels. I kinda have this inner self that has a whole mind of her own."

Fiona who had been walking with Rhowette all this while towards the woods surrounding the pack house paused and looked at her.

"You, dear Rhow are one seriously cool weirdo."

Rhowette frowned, "How does that even make sense?"

Shrugging, Fiona entered the woods and started taking off her clothes.

"Whoa, slow down there, I know you probably don't want to rip your clothes but at least undress behind a tree or something."

"Please what do I have that you haven't seen before?"

"The black version of everything I have?" Rhowette squeaked as she dodged the boot Fiona had hurled at her. Tactfully she picked up the boot and threw it beside Fiona's pile of clothes after making sure no other boot was heading her way.

"Did you really have to go all racist on me?" Fiona asked in mock anger.

"Hey, it wasn't intentional. You're an awfully good teacher you know."

Fiona smirked, "Good to know I'm rubbing off on you. Now get ready to meet Lena."

Rhowette nearly screamed in fear when Fiona started to shift. The pops and crunches of re aligning bones were terrifying and deafening. But within minutes of starting, the sounds came to a stop and in Fiona's place stood an absolutely beautiful golden brown furred wolf. The wolf was huge. Bigger than the usual wolf but not as big as Philip's wolf, from what Rhowette could remember.

The wolf came towards her and nudged her with its nose, staring straight into her eyes mischievously. Rhowette grinned as she run her hands through Lena's fur, reveling in its soft feel, "Nice to finally meet you Lena."

Lena pulled back and howled before nudging Rhowette towards her back. Finally deciphering what she meant, Rhowette pulled herself up unto Lena's back, praying she wasn't too heavy for her. With a quick howl in the air, Lena tore through the woods, causing Rhowette to hang on for her dear life. Yhup, she could totally see Fiona in this beastly beauty, Rhowette thought, as Lena sped through the woods, narrowly missing tree trunks as though attempting to scare the life out of Rhowette.

Finally getting the hang of it, Rhowette relaxed and felt the wind rush into her face, making her feel like she was soaring. She felt like shouting 'I can fly' but thought better of it as she silently reclined to enjoy the moment.


Hey there loves, was it fun getting to meet Lena?  Anyway, I know the story is progressing rather slowly but don't worry, all in due time. In the mean time please vote, comment and share. Your feedback mean the world to me. Thanks sooo much. Much love,


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