forty one

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Megan's POV

When he didn't answer me, I went inside my car and drove away. I knew it.

I drove home immediately and left Harry in the parking lot.

"Why the unexplainable look on your face?" My sister asked. Weird that she's here, I barely see her home.

"Nothing" I shake my head and head for my room.

"Oh come on" my sister startled me when I saw her in my doorway. I sighed.

"It's really nothing" I said as I lay on my bed. She walked to my bed and lied beside me.

She stared at me with a spill-it expression and I sighed once again.

"It's Harry. He lied to me"

"Doesn't sound that bad. What's it about?" She asked.

"For starters, who knew Aleisha just got out from rehab?" I fake a smile.

"You didn't?" She knows?

"You knew?" I said a bit louder.

"What did Luke tell you?" She said as loud as I am.

"He told me she was from this trip with his parents. I already know it was a lie. I didn't know you knew about rehab girl" I roll my eyes.

"Luke's such a dick" she groans.

"Anyway, what did Harry lie to you about?" She then asks.

"He didn't tell me I was drugged" then I remembered Harry didn't tell April what happened to me the other night.

"Drugged? What? When?" I can't tell what her expression is.

"That night at Niall's party. When Harry told you I had a headache"

"He really is a liar" she said as she stands up.

"What are you gonna do?" I ask her.

"I'm gonna call Harry and tell him how much of an asshole he is for keeping this from me"

"Don't!" I said as I stood up and followed her out of my room.

"Why?" She practically yells at my face.

"He kept it from me too you know? We don't have to exaggerate." I tried to calm her down.

"You're right" she shakes her head.

"I have to go get dressed" she then said as she walks to her room.

"Where are you going?" I have to make sure she doesn't confront Harry about this.

"Party" she simply remarked.

"If anyone knocks, don't get it, okay?" she said.

"And why not?"

"No questions" she said as she slammed her door in my face. Alright then.

I sat on our couch and watched a movie. Then I heard someone knock. I know I shouldn't go get it, but I have a curious ass so I did.

When I opened the door, a fine looking guy was on the other side. Who could this be?

"Hi" I said slowly. I didn't know what to say. I don't know who he is.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Jeremy" he said as he extends a hand.

"Megan" I gladly shook his hand.

"Megan, what did I tell you?" April groans from behind me.

"One moment please" April said to the Jeremy guy.

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