thirty seven

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Harry's POV

"Oops" a familiar girl said as she bumped into me, almost making me drop the tray in my hands.

"Sorry" she said and I look at her.

"Harry" she said while smiling.


"I didn't know you still go here?" My tone was unsure.

"Me neither. I still can't believe the school let me in." She chuckles.

"Nice bumping into you anyway" she winks then leaves me. I can't believe she's here. It's like my past is hunting me once again.

"Where's Megan?" I ask April as I sit down. The table was silent. No one even dared to talk.

"April" she just sighs.

"She's not here" she answered through almost greeted teeth. She just stated the obvious.

"I know that. But why isn't she here?" I ask a bit louder.

"Stop acting like nothing happened, Harry." She said in a different tone. A depressed, sad, regretted tone. I just furrow my brows at her.

"She's mad at me because she thought I was a part of this whole thing to destroy Luke and her."

"You know that's not true" I try to make her feel better.

"But she doesn't" she spits.

I can't believe I came between April and Megan. It wasn't my intention.

"She will talk to you, eventually" I try to make her feel better. Everything's my fault.

I mean, April tried to help but it wasn't her intention to break them up. Hell, it never even crossed my mind that Luke would actually dump Megan.

"Who else noticed Aleisha's surprise existence?" I changed the topic. Now's not the time to be depressed.

"I didn't know she could still go here" Perrie answered. Thank god, someone else spoke.

"Me neither. The school should've just banned her." Zayn agreed with Perrie.

"She's a bad influence. I mean we all get drunk and stuff but she's just way out of control" Liam added

They were all true. She shouldn't be allowed here.

"Is she?" April pointed out while furrowing her brows.

I turned to look at Aleisha's direction and that's where I saw it.

"What the fuck" Niall said each word clearly.

"Are they?" Zayn said while turning his head to the side.

"Luke and Aleisha are making out" Eleanor said with disgusted face.

What's Luke doing with her?

None of us spoke after the irritating and disgusting sight.

"Can we all promise not to tell Megan?" April then spoke.

"I promise" I was the first one to speak.

Telling this to Megan wouldn't make everything better. But I know what I have to do. I have to let Megan find it out herself.

When the bell rang we all went to our classes.

In my history class, that's where I noticed a person sitting next to me. I always had the table all to myself since the school year started.

Who even dared to sit next to me?

"Hi Harry" Aleisha smiled at me.

I forgot she's a fucking senior.

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