sixty one

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Megan's POV

"What's with all the luggage?" I ask as I got home from the yogurt shop.

"We're leaving tonight for New York" Drew answers.

"But graduation's not til Tuesday" I furrow my brows.

"I know. But ya know, I love the city and it's been awhile since we last went there." Aunt Ruth then answers.

"You could always change your mind. We still have one pending ticket. We can get that or just-"

"Cancel it." I cut Aunt Ruth off.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive" I smile.

"I thought you were better than is" Drew finally blurts.

"Yeah me too" I whisper to myself."

"Anyway, I got a date tonight" I immediately switch moods.

"Really? You? Date? I don't think so" he laughs.

"Oh I do really have a date" I cross my arms at him.

"I thought you're Megan the hooker?" Where does that come from?

"I mean, I don't know, dating doesn't look like your thing anymore. You're like a bang once then goodbye type" he adds. Now I'm terrible offended and insulted.

"Is that how low you think of me?" I definitely glare at him and he just shrugs.

"I have a date with Cameron Alvear" I wasn't planning on telling who the person was but now that he's judging me, it's better to tell him instead.

"What?" He looks so shocked and I smirk at him.

"What's wrong with you? You're sister had an affair with him. And you plan on dating him? What are you trying to do?"

"Enough with the judging, Drew!!!" I yell.

"You can't tell me who I'm allowed to date" I huff as I walk into my room.


"Hey we're about to leave for the airport." Drew says through the door.

"Take care!" I shout so that they could hear.

The door then opens and I roll my eyes. Of course they have a spare key.

"It's not too late to get packed and everything. I'll help you put everything in your luggage and-"

"Drew please. Just respect my decision. I'm not going" he sighs and then nods before turning his back.

"Enjoy" I smile at him. And I mean that smile.

"Sure" he smiles back a little.

Before he could leave my room, the door bell rings. Drew then rushes outisde.

"I told you to leave her alone!"

I went out to see Drew grabbing the color of Cameron's shirt.

"We bumped into each other. What am I supposed to do? Pretend I didn't see her?" Cameron yells at him.

Drew asked Cameron to leave me alone?? That explains the cruelty when he found out I was going on a date with him.

"Drew please. Let go of him" I say as I try to break them apart.

Cameron smoothens out his shirt before deeply exhaling.

"Ready to leave?" He asks me, ignoring the death glare Drew gives him while he's standing beside me.

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