twenty five

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Harry's POV

I went back inside only to see Luke sitting on the couch next to Niall. I almost forgot they were cousins. Damn it.

"Sup Hary?" He asks while grinning at me but I just ignored him and sat at a different chair.

Niall then shook an alcohol bottle to me and I nodded. I wanna take some of that. He then threw me the bottle carefully and when I got it, I didn't even hesitate to drink straight from the bottle. I'm pretty sure there are tons of these in his kitchen.

"So what are we supposed to do here?" Luke asked. Fcking Luke. He doesn't even need to be here. He can just take his ass home. I don't wanna see his fucking face.

"You can go home really" I say while giving him a smile that would surely piss him off.

"I invited him here, lighten up" Niall said. Of fucking course.

I just shook my head and then drank some more.

"I know what we can do" Zayn said while he hurriedly finished his bottle.

We all got confused and furrowed our brows.

"Spin the bottle" he said while setting the already empty bottle on the table that is in the middle of all of us.

"I'll pass" I said while finishing my bottle as well only to request another one.

"Don't be a party pooper now" Eleanor said. I never did like her, I don't know why but I just don't.

"I'm no party pooper, Eleanor. I suggest you shut up" I said while also giving her a smile. I don't know what's gotten into me. But since Luke's here, of course he's the reason why I'm pissed off.

"Don't talk to my girlfriend that way" Louis said sternly.

"Don't you guys even expect me to be nice to your girlfriends, I'm not the nicest person and y'all know that" I can't keep being mean to their girlfriends and get their boyfriends get offended. Like what the fuck is that?

"Enough bullshit. Let's play" Zayn said while eyeing me. I groan but then he started spinning the bottle.

It first landed on Niall and they asked him who was his first kiss. He said it was a girl from his school back in his home country. Even if we ask the name of the girl, we wouldn't know it anyway.

I finished my second bottle then requested for another one. I can feel the alcohol kicking in but I didn't even bother. I wanna get wasted.

Niall hesitated on giving me another one but Liam insisted it will be just fine, so he did.

The bottle pointed at Perrie, Louis and Zayn himself. There wasn't even thrilling action, just same boring questions even a five-year-old can ask. I was already bored of my own thought.

The only thing I wanted was alcohol. Alcohol. I wanna just drink and drink until I pass out. This is how my weekend will go.

"Harry" they all said in unison and I got startled.

"What?" I said. Clearly not paying much attention to their lame game.

"I said, Truth or Dare?" Zayn asked.

"Dare" I said. I don't know how my mind works and I just said the first thing I wanted. I wanna give this game life. Not boredom.

They all thought for a second of a good dare to make me do. I even got bored waiting.

"Call Megan right now and tell her you're leaving New York" Louis said. And that ignited something in my body that jolted me awake.

"What?" There's no way I'm gonna fucking do it. I should've just went with saying Truth in the first place.

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