Heading Into The Fairy World

Start from the beginning

"A bug?"

"No! she's a fairy but, someone stole her flower and now her magical powers are decreasing and it would have gotten worse for her if I hadn't stored that flower in that bookmark."

Hakko was surprised and then Kagura spoke up.

"At least that explains part of the problem but, who would want to steal the fairy flower?"

"It doesn't matter anyway, from what I've heard from one of the professors, the Headmaster has his key to the fairy's realm and no one was able to steal it until now."

Midnight spoke up and I then started to think for a moment while the others were still talking.

Hakko: "What do you mean until now?"

Kagura: "You know Midnight is right, from what Klaus told me, a few days ago before Leon showed up Headmaster Randolph's key got stolen, maybe there's some kind of connection."

Sora: "I doubt it, besides, why would Leon want to steal the Headmaster's key to the Fairy world anyway?"

Asuma: "I have no idea but, Kagura might be right, what if there is a connection about all of this happening and Leon showing up out of nowhere."

Just then, my necklace started glowing and when we looked at it, Sora asked me.

"What the? why is your unicorn horn glowing like that?"

"It only does that whenever a unicorn is nearby, it doesn't just react to Twilight you know."

Suddenly, we saw Leon running past us and then he headed towards the forest. I was surprised by this and that was when I realised why all of this was happening.

'I just hope I'm wrong.'

I thought to myself as I followed after Leon with the others following me into the dark Northern valley forest.


After Keira ran into the forest, the Tamers lost sight of her for a moment until the saw her getting caught in the darkness. Keira struggled for a moment until Hakko opened her right hand and she used her light ball and threw it towards the darkness that had caught Keira and then it vanished immediately. Keira sighed of relief and then she thanked Keira.

Suddenly, dark enemies appeared out of the shadows and they headed towards Keira. Just when the Tamers were about to fight, someone shouted.

"Everyone! get out of the way!! Globus Flaw!!"

Several fireballs appeared out of nowhere and they attacked the enemies. Keira looked to the side and she saw Vincent wearing his military uniform.


"Honestly, you had me worried for a second there, little sis."

Vincent said as he walked towards the Tamers and he then continued.

"Anyway, you Tamers have got some explaining to do, why are you lot here?"

"Um...how do we start?"

Keira said as she sweatdropped while Vincent stood there with his arm folded. Hakko looked at Vincent's uniform and she said to him.

"That uniform...you're one of the four knights of the Ministry of Magic?!"

"I am."


I covered my mouth to prevent myself from laughing until Hakko said to me.

"You knew?!"

"Of course, you're forgetting Vincent is my big brother and he swore me to secrecy as well, but anyway, what are you even doing here? did the Ministry of Magic sent you?"

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