Chapter 26 - Great, thanks Dad!

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- John-Joe (JJ) -

I saw her dad and a good looking guy walk upto her whispering something to each other. I didn't know what they were doing but something wasn't right. 

"Hey, baby. Where did you go?" Ellie asked in a firm tone, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head and looked at her. "I went to get some air and got talking to your sister." 

Ellie laughed and linked her arm with mine. "She's weird, isn't she? I told you."

I felt angry and instantly wanted to slap her but I didn't. "Se's not that bad, Ellie. You make out that she needs urgent mental help." 

"She does. That hair is stupid, she acts so strange; not to mention her style! Talk about trampy." She chuckled and I had never wanted to punch someone so much before until then.

"That's a bit mean, don't you think? She seems nice." I replied, raising my eyebrow as I looked at her. 

She gasped and stepped away. "No. She's a bitch and completely insulted me and my mum the other day. Talk about rude!" She snapped, before turning on her heel and walking away in strop. 

I sighed with relief and began to walk towards Valentine's dad and the random guy. I felt someone tug on my arm and turned around to see who it was. Valentine's step-mum who I now know as Julia. 

"Did you upset my daughter?" She asked firmly.

I rolled my eyes. "No. She was ranting and insulting Valentine, that's all and got annoyed just thinking about her." I replied, tugging my arm away from her.

She grabbed my arm and dug into my shirt and flesh with her long, false nails that were painted a horrible shade of brown. "Remember what I said boy. I will do more than hurt you if something bad happens to my Ellie." She warned like usual. 

I sighed. "Yes, I know. You tell me all the time. Now get off me." I snapped, tugging my arm away once more and walking away leaving her looking rather surprised. I hadn't snapped at her before but now there was reason to - Valentine.

- Valentine -

"Valentine, there you are." my dad chuckled, walking up to me. 

He kissed me on the cheek which was an instant sign he had something up his sleeve. "Yeah, I was getting some fresh air an got a phone call. "I explained, smiling. "I also had a chat with Ellie's boyfriend. Nice lad."

"He is. Anyway, speaking of nice lads..." He gestured to the young man. "This is Joshua. He is my boss' son."

I knew it! My weird feeling was right. The boss' son meant that my dad would get something out of this.

"Hey, Joshua." I greeted, smiling.

Joshua smiled back and held out his hand. I shook it. "I'm Joshua Brushwelt. It's nice to meet you..."

"Valentine Redd." 

"Valentine Redd. What an interesting name." he chuckled.

My dad began to talk to Joshua for a moment and I took the opportunity to examine him. Joshua had short brown hair that was spiked into a nice and neat style. He had white skin and brown eyes which were an interesting feature. He was bigger than me but no bigger than 5 ft 7 I would say. He wore a dark blue, long sleeved shirt but rolled the sleeves up to his elbow and apair of black trousers. 

My dad looked back at me.  "I would appreciate it if you spend some time with Joshua, please." 

I nodded and smiled at my dad before he left to go back into the party. I was alone with Joshua on the balcony and I had to mingle with him. Great, thanks Dad! Spending time with someone that I didn't want to spend time with.


A pic of joshua at the top :) 

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