Chapter 8 - Scooby Doo

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- Valentine -

I sat in my room watching Supernatural and I was enjoying it - a lot. The main characters were hot and I was enjoying looking at them. I was peaceful and content until my door burst wide open again to reveal my sister who was dressed upin a neon yellow dress that was skin-tight and knee length. She wore bold pieces of colours jewellery, including a bright pink watch and she also wore some white wedges. She looked nice and bright but it wasn't my style. 

"Have you got some deoderant I could use?" She asked, without an 'excuse me for bursting into your room'. 

"Yes, it is on my desk." I sighed in reply, my eyes not leaving the TV screen.

She used it and looked at what I was watching. "This looks shit." 

"You look shit." I lied.

She pouted and made a  'humph' sound. Then she looked at her watch and gasped. "I'm going to be late!" 

"Yeah, don't keep your boyfriend waiting to long." I laughed.

She scowled at me. "Shut up. Mum's driving me anyway, I might just make it." 

I shrugged, "Like I care, El." 

She made that silly litle 'humph' sound again before walking out of my room, her wedges making loud noises on my floor as she did. 

After she left I relaxed once more and continued watching Supernatural which I just couldn't stop watching. It was safe to say that I was hooked. But after a while I began to get hungry and I realised tha I had only had a cereal bar and a packet of crisps to eat. I sighed and looked at my mobile phone for the time.

"3.00pm?!" I gasped in shock. "Time flies when you are obsessed with a TV Series." 

I climbed off of my bed and walked out of my room and downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and got a chicken pot noodle out of the cupboard and prepared it before getting a fork and tooking into it. It was lazy food but I couldn't be bothered to make something. I enjoyed the chicken flavour as I walked into the living room and spotted my dad putting something into the DVD player. The curtains were closed and there was only one lamp lighting the room. It was funny because it was summer and it was bright outside but I guess I know where I get my weirdness from.

"Hey, dad." I greeted, sitting on the arm of one of the sofa's.

"Hey, pudding." My dad replied with a smile. His nicknames were often weird and I liked that. He often said weird little things and I was happy to hear them because it reminded me where I got my weirdness from and that reminded me that I was actually blood related to someone in the house which I often forgot when I had Julia and Ellie around.

"What you watching?" I asked, scooping a big pile of noodles and shoving them in my mouth.

"Scooby Doo two. I haven't seen this in years and Julia wouldn't like to watch it." he whispered like it was some secret.

"Why doesn't she like to watch it? It's great!" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She doesn't find it remotely funny. You know what she is like." He replied, sitting back on the sofa that I was on. "I have to watch what I want when she is out."

"That's not right, dad. It's your house." I replied, shaking my head.

"Yeah, but I don't want to upset anyone or cause arguements." he said with shrug.

I had finished my pot noodle so I quickly went and put it in the bin in the kitchen and washed my fork before returning to the living room. I went and sat next to my dad and wrapped my arms around him. 

"I love you, dad." I said as the film started up.

"I love you too, pumpkin." he replied, stroking my hair the way that he used to when I was younger. "Why'd you suddenly say that? Not like I mind." 

"After having Julia and Ellie around who aren't my flesh and blood, I sometimes forget that I have a blood related dad right here who I can actually call dad." I explained. "I like Julia and Elloe but they aren't my blood and they deffinitely let me know that."

"I understand, dear. I'm always here for you, you know?" he replied, kissing my forehead. "I'm sure Julia and Ellie don't mean anything." 

"Yeah, whatever." I laughed. 

"Shut up, grumpy. Let's watch this film whilst we still can!" my dad chuckled, pressing play on the remote. "We used to do this all the time when you were younger." 

"I know and I have missed it, despite being nineteen now." I replied, before we went quiet and watched one ofour favourite films. 


Thank you for reading again! :P 

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Do you and your mum/dad/both/family have a favourite movie? What is it? :3 <3

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