Chapter 1 - An alarm and a Bimbo

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A picture of Ellie above. She is Vanessa Hudgens :)

- Valentine -

I woke up to the sound of my stupid alarm clock on my mobile phone that was playing Metallica's song Enter Sandman really loud.

I groaned and stretched my arm out of bed to turn it off and as I did I saw that it was Friday and it was 12.00pm. Yes, I am a late sleeper - I'm half cat, I swear!

I yawned as I swung my legs out of the bed and stretched. I hate it when my body was stiff after waking up from a long sleep.

I had just stepped out of bed when my room door swung open and made a loud bang against the wall.There was only one person to enter someones bedroom so rudely without caring and that was Ellie Anne Curtis - My snobby older step sister.

She stormed up to me in her tacky, neon pink heels and put her hands on her hips.

"Turn your stupid music off!" She shouted, her irritating voice sounded like she had a peg on her nose.

I rolled my eyes at her and sighed. "It was my alarm actually, Bimbo. It only goes off once."

"It is twelve pm, why is your alarm going off?!" She asked loudly.

"Well, I have to get woken up somehow." I replied with a shrug as I walked to my bathroom that was in my room. It had a shower, bath, toilet and sink; that meant I didn't have to share a bathroom with my family.

"How about you just don't wake up?" the bitch suggested with a smirk on her stupid face.

"How about you get out of my room and go to the chocolate factory?" I suggested as I watched her become confused. I chuckled and I added, "Mr Willy Wonka will be mad if his Oompa Lumpa's are late for work."

She instantly gasped and looked furious which was what I had hoped for. "You stupid bitch, I'm leaving!" She screamed as she stormed back out of my room, leaving me in peace.

"Thank fuck for that!" I shouted after her.

I turned shuffle on my IPod and I instantly loved the first song that came on which was Prom Song by Eleventyseven. A recent band I had discovered and instantly loved.

I turned on the shower, stripped and then got in. I couldn't help but dance as I washed my hair and my body. I used my favourite soap, shampoo and conditioner that all were melon scented and by the end, I smelt good enough to eat.

When I came out of the shower I looked in the mirror and saw that I had new spots on my face and I groaned. Puberty is a pain in the ass! I thought, frowning as I popped a couple and rinsed my face with cold water.

By now the song had changed to Boomerang by The Summer Set. A good song that makes you dance and feel good.

I wrapped my Little Mermaid towel around my body tightly and then wrapped a small white one around my head to help dry my hair. My hair is dyed in many different colours to look rainbow. It brings attention towards me which isn't why I got the style, I just like rainbows and I think it looks great since I just wear dark colours. It's like a contrast y'know?

I walked into my bedroom again and walked over to my large wardrobe. I stood on my tip-toes to reach the handle to open the wardrobe. The wardrobe is high up as it is built on a bulkhead which was wasted space until we used the bulkhead to create a wardrobe, however, the wardrobe ended up being rather high up so I had to either climb or tip-toe to open it. I am only 5 ft 2 but if I was taller I'd be able to open it with ease. 

I looked inside my wardrobe and broused all my dark clothing. I don't think I own anything light and colourful.

I ended up choosing a pair of grey skinny jeans and one of my many black band t-shirts that I often got in a size bigger. I am only a size 12 (UK) both in top and bottom but I loved slightly baggy t-shirts because it was comfy.

The band t-shirt that I chose was Deff Leppard who come from where I live - Sheffield. They are a great band and deffinitely one of my faves!

When my outfit was chosen it was time to choose underwear, so I walked over to my little chest of drawers and pulled out a black bra that could do with going in the bin and a pair of batman pants, that had a few holes in after being worn millions of times. This drove my mum crazy who insisted I buy new underwear but that would mean getting them to become comfy and that takes forever!

Once everything was on, I pulled the towel off of my head and sat at my desk that had a mirror pinned to the wall in front. I sat on my black chair and pulled out my hair dryer from a drawer underneath my desk. After blow drying my hair quickly, I used my straighteners to make my hair wavy. A simple yet loveky hair style.

When my hair was finally done and looking decent, I applied some moisturiser to my face, followed by some liquid black eyeliner and some red lipstick. Then after giving myself a quick once-over in the mirror to make sure I looked decent, I turned off my music, picked up my phone and then went downstairs where my family were sat eating some dinner.

Let's see what my family will have to say this time...


So I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and thank you for giving this a read, it means a lot! :) Leave your comments and votes! I hope to see them ;) Don't be a silent reader! hehe

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