Chapter 10 - Let's hope

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- Valentine -

I entered the house and took my shoes and jacket off. I looked around and saw nobody. I sighed with relief and walked towards the kitchen to make some food. I had forgotten that I hadn't eaten.

I couldn't hear any noises and I assumed everyone went out. I was wrong. As soon as I got into the kitchen everyone was in there looking at me.

"Where have you been, Val?" Julia asked, her arms folded on her chest.

I rolled my eyes. "It's Vee not Val! And I went on a walk with a friend. Why?" I replied.

"We went to check on you and you were gone. We didn't know where you were." Julia explained in a not-so-calm voice. 

"Well I must have forgot. To be honest, I'm surprised you didn't hear me leave." I shrugged, folding my arms.

"We were busy, we didn't hear you." My dad replied. "We were just worried because you seemed to have vanished." 

I could understand where they came from. I hadn't texted them to tell them where I was going so I guess I was in the wrong this time. However, If I did tell them I would have been treated like a child who has a curfew and I would've been asked a lot of stupid questions. I was old enough to make my own choices, a nineteen year old should be treated like an adult, am I right? Julia and Ellie didn't think so and my dad just agreed to avoid arguments. If it was just us two then he would've been okay with it like he did before he re-married. 

I decided to get everything over with an apologie, I was tired and wanted to sleep. "I'm sorry. I was stupid and forgot to let you know. I won't do it again." I said in a mono-toned voice, like a pre-teen would if they apologise for something that they believe wasn't their fault. You get what I am saying, right? 

Anyway, after I apologised we hugged and I went upstairs, got ready for bed and then went to sleep. I didn't bother making food in the end and by the end of everything that happened, I wasn't even hungry so I went to bed on an empty stomach. 


The next morning I was at work for 9.00pm which is the time that Tito texted me saying he needed me in for. Tito texted me whenever he needed me in because our appointment book wasn't always jam packed with customers everyday, some days  were quieter than others so when he needed me varied. On that day though it was clearly a fairly busy day so I had to go in earlier. 

I took a quick shower and made sure to get dressed quickly. I changed up my outfit a little by wearing some light blue denim shorts and a white Alice Cooper t-shirt. It was really warm and I had worn jeans a lot so I got the courage to wear some shorts. I am curvy and have had a little cellulite since I was a child so wearing shorts was something that I wasn't confident wearing but It was warm and I told myself to wear the shorts. 

I made sure to go downstairs and get some breakfast, I had two pieces of toast with strawberry jam and it was delicious. Of course, I was interrupted by my sister telling me all about how she was going out with her boyfriend for a romantic day out somewhere. I wasn't paying much attention so I didn't know where they were going and I wasn't going to ask. 

Before I went to work I made sure to text my dad and Julia so we didn't have a repeat of the day before. As I parked up I saw that both Tito and Noah's car were parked on the front so everyone was here on time. 

I walked in and looked at the appointment book that was in front of Noah. I looked through and saw that we were fully booked. I smiled, "Fully booked, eh?" 

Noah laughed as he took the appointment book from me. "Yes and you have a customer in ten minutes so set up your station." I rolled my eyes and followed his instruction which I was going to do anyway. 

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