Chapter 12 - I'd rather see you

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- Valentine -

I went home that night with a big smile on my face. I probably shouldn't have because what JJ and I had decided to do was wrong but in some way it was right. Just because a woman told him that he had sex with her which was his fault and that she would confess if he didn't date her daughter didn't mean he had to because it was against his rights and he doesn't know if what she said was the complete truth.  

That night I struggled to sleep because I had things on my mind but eventually I managed to drift off into dreamland and I slept through the night easily. I woke up to a text and I reached over to get my phone to read it. It was Tito telling me that I wasn't needed in work that day because he had a doctors appointment and he was closing shop. I was pleased but couldn't get back to sleep. I looked on my phone and saw that the time was 10:40am so It wasn't too early.

I got up and had a shower and brushed my teeth before putting on some thick, black leggings and a lilac

t-shirt with the words 'I'm secretly a unicorn' on the front in big, black and glittery letters. After that I went downstairs and got some breakfast which was some toast with Nutella on. Once that was eaten and cleaned up, I went into the living room. As I walked in to the room I saw that there was a note on the coffee table with my name written on it, so I picked it up and read it.

Julia and I are both at work, like usual now but after we finish we are going for a meal so we both won't be in until late so it is just you and Ellie. Be good, madame! We'll see you soon, Valentine. Love, dad xxx

I rolled my eyes and threw the letter into the small bin we have in the corner of the living room. I sat down on the sofa and turned on the tv with the remote and put some recorded NCIS on. As I was watching it I heard some footsteps from above and I knew that the Barbie was awake. I sighed and tried to enjoy my last few minutes of peace before she came downstairs.

It wasn't long before I heard her walking to the kitchen before coming into the room with an apple which she was munching on. She looked at the TV before looking at me with a disgusted expression on her face.

"Why are you up at this time?" She asked, looking down at me.

"I woke up via text and couldn't get back to sleep." I replied, looking back at the TV.

She sat on the other sofa, "Aren't you meant to be at work?" she asked, biting a big chunk out of her apple.

"No. Tito woke me up with a text telling me not to go in today." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Shame. Mum and Nelson aren't here so I could've had the house to myself." she smirked, looking down at her half eaten apple.

"Oh, really now? What's so special about being alone in the house?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She giggled and looked at me. "Well I wouldn't have to be alone. I could have some fun."

I cringed at the thought. "It's not like you and your boyfriend can do it anywhere else, is it?"

"Exactly." she replied, nodding.

"That was sarcasm, love." I sighed, rubbing my forehead with my index finger and thumb.

She snorted a 'whatever' before finishing her apple and walking out of the room. I sighed with relief until I heard her footsteps return. I thought she had gone upstairs to get changed out of her nighty but obviously annoying me was too fun.

"You are just jealous that you don't have a boyfriend and don't get any." she laughed, sticking her tongue at me as she leaned against the doorframe. "In fact, I'm going out with my boyfriend soon actually."

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