Chapter 16 - Get away from that!

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- Valentine -  

JJ left early that morning and It was weird not having him after being with him for a whole day without family around. It felt like we had our own place and had the freedom that a mature person would have - it was great. 

When I got up I saw a note on my desk that JJ left me which said: 


I'm sorry that I have to leave so early because of work. I don't think it would be best if your family saw me anyway, right? 

I had a great time and would love to do it again some time! ;P 

Thanks for having me, babe :) 

Love JJ (The sexiest man alive) xx

That simple little letter made me smile like a loon. He was right about my family. I didn't want my family meeting him yet because of his situation. It wasn't fair on him or me, especially when my family would eventually find out and have something against him. It was better to keep us a secret like we planned to from the start. He was still with his girlfriend too so it would be wrong, not like what we were doing wasn't wrong enough. 

I didn't get up until late so when I came downstairs it was dinner time. It when then when I was having dinner with my family when I realised that it was Sunday already and I had wasted half of my day sleeping in until late - late being 3.07pm. My sister was dressed up so I assumed she was planning on going out somewhere and I was right because the topic was soon brought up by my step-mother Julia. Yay!

"So where are you going later then, darling?" Julia asked, putting a piece of chicken into her mouth. 

We were having cold, cooked chicken and salad with mayonnaise and new potatoes. Ellie was just having the salad because she was 'fat' and didn't want to become one of the 'fat people' which was rather rude of her to say and that was another reason I didn't really like her.

Ellie finished what she was eating before replying. "Well, me and the girls are going out on the town because Paula just found out that she was being cheated on by her now ex-boyfriend, David, and she wants to have some fun now that she is single." 

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my delicious and refreshing meal. 

"Well, are you going to be in late?" Julia asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ellie thought for a moment and placed a piece of cucumber in her mouth. "Probably. I plan on having fun too, y'know." 

"Is your boyfriend going too?" Julia asked and I looked up at Ellie for a moment.

She frowned. "No. He doesn't deserve too." 

I butted into the conversation. "Why doesn't he?" 

She looked at me as if I had said something to upset her. Here we go again, I thought. 

"He just doesn't! He doesn't do what I say and clearly doesn't want to spend time with me. I'm still mad at him for not meeting up with me the other day. That just proves that he doesn't want to spend time with me. He is pathetic and is so lazy and ignorant. I can't be dealing with a man like that!" 

I felt frustrated because she was being harsh and from what I had heard her boyfriend was decent.  She was just a bitch and wanted to control people. I stopped eating for a moment so I could speak. "He doesn't have to do what you ask all the time, he has rights. You are controlling him and he probably feels like he is in a cage surrounded by a bossy woman who doesn't give him peace. I don't think I would want to spend time with you if you were acting like this with me. You have to let him make his own choices and give him some freedom, Ellie." 

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