Chapter 11 - Dirty little secret

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- Valentine -

We went into the cinema and I could smell the buttery smell of popcorn which was mouth watering. I didn't go to the cinema much but when I did it was very exciting for me. All the smells of sugary delights, low lighting, film posters and other amazing stuff. I mean there was screaming children running around too but I tended to ignore them and focus on the good things. I had texted my parents explaining the situation and they told me to have fun. 

We paid for our tickets after deciding we would see Frozen. It was a rather child-ish film but we were both curious about it and thought it would be fun to watch. We both paid for tickets because it wasn't a date and I wanted to pay for myself. 

When we got into the room where we were watching the film we sat right at the very back. It wasn't the first showing of the film so the room was rather empty which I liked. I hated those children that throw things at people during the film that annoys me greatly. 

The adverts usually come on before the film but they usually took forever to come on so we decided to have a chat. 

"You excited for the film then?" I asked JJ.

He smiled, "Yeah, I've seen it advertise and things and I have been interested in seeing it."

I smiled back, "Good. I have seen it advertise too and people have told me how good it is."

We sat talking for a while about films and such and it turned out we liked a lot of things in common. We were sat in silence for a moment when I felt a hand on my hand. I looked and knew it could only be JJ's hand. I was shocked but at the same time I wasn't in a hurry for him to take it off.

His fingers intertwine with mine and I felt a strange feeling rise within me. I bit my lip, Oh no! He has girlfriend and I am enjoying this. I looked at him and he looked at me. Shit. I closed my eyes and tried to fight the urge to kiss him but when I opened my eyes, our lips were locked. Double shit. 

The kiss was great and I liked it. My lips were a little chapped which I was worried about but it turned out that his were too which I liked in a weird way. His lips were plump and moist and our lips moved in sync perfectly. I was about to run out of breath when he let go and we were left panting and blushing. 

"That... Was.. fantastic." he panted lightly.

I had my breathing under control. "I know but we you shouldn't have kissed me." 

"I know but I couldn't help it." he chuckled. 

I chuckled too and then sighed. "You have a girlfriend, JJ." 

"I know, but I never wanted to be with her. I was pretty much forced into the relationship." He sighed too.

I was shocked because he sounded rather happy on the phone with her, unless that was an act for her. "Why are you forced? Just break it off?" I suggested, puzzled.

"It's complicated as I said earlier." He replied.

"Well, now that this has happened I need to know." I told him in a serious tone of voice.

At that moments the lights went down and I groaned in frustration. The adverts began to play and I looked at him. He rolled his eyes and whispered in my ear, "I will explain later." I nodded and sat ready to watch the film. We didn't buy snacks because we weren't in the mood for them so we just sat and watched the film. 

After the film had finished and we were back outside, it was 6.30pm and we had decided that the talk was deffinitely going to happen and that we should go somewhere to have it. We chose the park where we went to before, but first we got some food because we were hungry. We went into a food shop and bought some big bags of crisps and other things to snack on whilst we were at the park. 

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