Chapter 2 - Don't call me 'Val'.

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A picture of Julia is above

- Valentine -

I jumped off of the last step with an enthusiastic "yeah!" before walking into the dining room where my step-mum, Julia, dad and Ellie sat eating various dinners whilst staring at me.

The dining room was small and joined to the kitchen by a large arch that was painted white. The dining room itself was painted a light green with one feature wall that was painted a darker shade of green. Too much green for my liking!

"Do you have to jump like that, Val?" Julia asked me with a sigh.

"Don't call me Val, I hate it." I replied, walking up to them. "By the way, I do have to jump like that."

I walked into the kitchen and could here Julia muttering something. Doesn't bother me, she does it often. It's usually about me not being the typical girly-girl like Ellie and to be honest, I have no cares to give.

The kitchen had firetruck red walls and clean, black tiles on the floor. The cupboards were black with shiny, black handles and the appliances and other little accessories were white. The room was rather decent and one that I actually didn't mind. It was more my style.

I chose to make a strawberry jam sandwich and have a white coffee with it. Probably not the best combination but I didn't care. It was one of my favourite combinations.

When I returned into the dining room it was silent. They all sat there quietly eating their food, my dad was reading the news paper as well as eating, Julia was looking at some of her fashion designs she had on paper and Ellie was almost finished with her fruit salad and was looking at her new acrilic nails that she had done in luminous colours. 

I sat down next to my dad and he smiled at me, I smiled back. I tucked into my sandwich and coffee really quickly. I received some dirty looks from Julia and Ellie who had now finished their dinners. 

"Val, please don't eat like that." Julia told me, shaking her head.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Sorry." I replied with attitude. 

"Less of the attitude too, Val." she added, taking her dishes to the sink in the kitchen.

I mimicked her in a squeaky voice which made my dad laugh and Ellie scowl at me. She soon got up and took her bowl to the sink in the kitchen. She was clearly snitching on me and at twenty-two years old you would think she would let it go. She is clearly a 'mummy's girl'. 

"Do you have to annoy Julia?" My dad asked, raising an eyebrow.

I drank some of my coffee before answering him. "Yes."

He chuckled, "Why is that then?" He asked yet another question as he picked up his plate.

"It's fun." I replied winking at my dad and smiling.

My dad laughed as he shook his head. "You do surprise me." He said before going to the kitchen to clean his plate.

I looked throught the arch and I could see that Ellie was drying her bowl and had offered to do my dad's plate - totally butt kissing.

My dad was behind Julia with his arms wrapped around her waist in a loving manner. He whispered something in her ear and she giggled like a typical teenage school girl.

I rolled my eyes and finished my dinner before cleaning my dishes. I had work at 2:00pm and It was 1:45pm by the time I was done. Fortunately, my work wasn't far from my house and I was able to walk to it easily. The walk to work was usually the only exercise I got so I was okay with it!


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Thank xxx

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