Chapter 25 - 23rd Birthday Party

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- Valentine -

The rest of the week flew by. After that agressive day, me and dad not only went and got ice-cream but he got me some new band t-shirts. It was great spending time with my dad which I didn't get to do often. I also went back to work and got back to tattooing which I had missed more than I thought I would. Ellie and Julia apologised and everything was calm. Before I knew it the weekend had appeared again and unfortunately I was invited to Ellie's 23rd birthday which was being held at a party room above a pub. 

"Get ready, Valentine!" Ellie shouted at me. "We've got to go in twenty minutes!"

I groaned. "Fine!"

I got up and walked over to my wardrobe.  According to everyone I had to look 'nice' which meant no band t-shirts, jeans or leggings. Basically I had to wear a freaking dress! I didn't mind wearing them but they often irritated me which Is why I only had a couple in my wardrobe. 

The one I decided to wear was a white one that had small straps and mutli-coloured stars all over it. It was knee length and was rather simple which I loved about it. I thought the colourful stars would look greats with my rainbow hair that I dyed again that morning. I wore some strapless red heels that were hardly worn and were about five inches high. 

Once it was one I put my hair into a high ponytail and curled the ends. I wore a red love heart necklace and red studded earrings. I sprayed myself with perfume and checked myself in the mirror before I took my white handbag and filled it with things that I needed. 

"Valentine, come on we are going! I want to get there before my boyfriend." Ellie shouted loudly from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and went downstairs.

"You look nice for once." She commented with a smile. 

I stepped off of the last step. "Errm, thanks?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

My dad wore a black suit with a white shirt and no tie. Julia wore a long, deep red dress with silver heels and clutch bag. 

"Shall we go then? It's already seven O'clock." Julia stated, gesturing us to the door. 

We all got in my dad's car and left towards the pub. I was feeling quite cheerful about it in the long run because It was something new for me and I hadn't been to a party in so long. 

When we got there the large room had tables decorated in pink table cloths and purple balloons with glitter spreaded amongst the tables. It was well decorated I had to say and the DJ was playing a mixture of songs which was appreciated. There were different coloured lights shining on the dance floor and there was already a lot of people there. 

My dad and Julia ended up talking to a relative of Julia's and Ellie went to a group of her friends near the buffet. I decided to go to the toilet because I hadn't been in a while and was beginning to desperately need it. 

I sat on the toilet and thought about how awkward I was probably going to be because I didn't know anyone really who was there. But I had to try and mingle or just keep to one side and enjoy the atmosphere. When I came out of the toilet, I saw how much fun Ellie seemed to be having and it made me smile for once. She was keeping me alone and that was always a good thing!

I walked to the balcony and stood looking out at the sky that was getting darker and darker by the minute. It was still summer but it was being colder during the day than it was before, but the nice cool evening air felt good when inside was warm. 

I turned around to go back inside when I saw a very familiar figure walking into the room wearing a black trousers, a white, open buttoned shirt and black, shiny shoes. He was smiling but the smile didn't seem genuine.

I gasped, "What's JJ doing here?" 

I went to walk upto him but he had walked upto Ellie who hugged and kissed him. Instantly everything came tumbling down on me and I suddenly realised everything. 

"Ellie is his horrible girlfriend?" I felt a lump in my throat. 

He created some distance between him and Ellie and then looked around and his eyes locked on mine and I felt the tears begin to appear. 

He told something to Ellie who nodded before turning back to her friends, then he began to walk upto me. I quickly turned around and walked back onto the balcony. He followed me and shut the doors behind him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked puzzled.

I gulped and the tears left my eyes. "Ellie is my step-sister, JJ. She's your girlfriend." 

His eyes opened wide and his mouth opened and almost hit the floor from shock. "Are you being serious, right now?" I nodded. "Are you kidding me?" Anger and frustration was evident in his voice.

I was happy to see that the balcony doors had curtains on them. At least this was all private.

"I can't believe this." He said, rubbing the back of his head.

I began to cry. "How could you not know? You've been our house and you know her name and her mother's name." 

"Her mother never told me her named and their are lots of girls called Ellie, when you told me her name I was drinking alcohol at the time too." he groaned loud. "I never went to her house because it wasn't appropriate and apparently her sister is weird." 

I let out a small chuckle. "That bitch. I told you she doesn't like me." 

He smirked. "Well, I like you." He held my face.

I sighed. "What are we going to do now?" 

"I'm going to end it even quicker." he replied, kissing my forehead.

I smiled and looked up at him. "But isn't it more complicated now?" 

He scratched the back of his head and thought for a moment whilst I watched for anybody who might come outside.  "It's complicated, yes. However, it makes me want to end it more." 

"So what are we going to do?" I asked the important question. 

"We act like we don't really know each other tonight and then we'll meet up and disuss this through." he replied,stroking his chin. 

I nodded and let him get back to Ellie whilst I pretended to be on the phone. It would look suspicious otherwise which is the last thing that we would want. I came off of the phone just as I saw my dad walking up to me with a guy at his side. They both smiled at me and I smiled back at them. My dad said something to the guy and I instantly felt a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.


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