Training Camp.........and the start of the worst Prank.....

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It was morning of day two of training camp. Everyone was busy trying to get the most training they could in what little time they had left. Today it was told by coach that everyone would work on batting. Easy balls were tossed to everyone. Hikaru hit his back easily…

“Why don’t we take a break while I go get some more balls okay Hikaru?”Toshi, a second year, said

Hikaru nodded in a reply.

Hikaru looked around at the other players…his eyes finally landed on Eijun. He was tossed an under handed pitch only to miss it. Hikaru, Masuko, Jun, Yuki, and Kuramochi couldn’t believe what they had just witnessed…..Hikaru heard his brother crying about how he was still tired from yesterday…Hikaru would have to agree, but to survive this camp you had to surpass your tiredness…if that made sense…it did in Hikaru’s head….Hikaru heard his brother’s partner say:

“You’re through go do your fielding practice.”

While Eijun was still screaming Hikaru could hear the people around him talking.

“Are you sure that Hikaru and Eijun are really twins?  I mean Hikaru is so much better at baseball then Eijun…”A second year said

Hikaru sighed, and reached for the beats that hung around his neck. The second years who were talking about the Sawamura twins froze…

‘Crap he heard us!’They thought


A little while later Hikaru was walking with a worn out Eijun, Furuya, and Haruichi…The group were walking to the lunchroom to eat breakfast. Hikaru was still listing to his beats and he was starving. Hikaru sat down and started to eat. Eijun, Furuya, and Haruichi sat in front of Hikaru. Hikaru heard someone tell the four that they had to eat a minimum of three bowls of rice…..Then Hikaru heard the person say that if they didn’t eat it then he would have to report it to the upperclassmen. Eijun was shouting making a scene when Jun shouted back:

“You don’t sound tired Eijun should we make you practice harder?”

“No…no not at all! I’m seriously tired!”Eijun cried

Hikaru sighed and quickly finished his bowls then went to his dorm room to change and shower.


Hikaru sat in class listing to his beats...Shinchi, Kazuya, and Yoichi sat behind him. Kuramochi was dozing in and out of sleep…Miyuki had his text book up while looking through a magazine talking about the other teams…Hikaru wondered how Eijun was doing with that annoying person watching over him. They finally had a break so Hikaru decided to go check on Eijun. Finding Eijun’s class Hikaru thought would be hard, but it was easier than Hikaru thought when Hikaru heard Eijun shouting. Hikaru walked over to the door and said:

“Sawamura Eijun sit down and shut up!”

Eijun quickly sat down then turned to his twin.

“HIKARU!”Eijun cried

Hikaru sighed and walked into the classroom. Hikaru saw the boy who was suppose to be watching over Eijun start to pale.  Hikaru soon heard whispers going around.

“Isn’t that Sawamura Hikaru?”A girl whispered

“Wait did you say Sawamura? No way is he related to Eijun?”Another girl whispered

“My friend Hiyori said that Hikaru is taking second year classes!”Another girl said

“No way! I heard he is a regular on the baseball team!”Another girl whispered

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