Dark horse

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The game was over and Seido was collecting there things.

“Don’t forget anything!!”Jun shouted

“YES SIR!!!”Everyone else shouted

Hikaru was squatted down leaning against the wall as he dug through his bag. Eijun glanced over at his sibling and walked over there.

“Hikaru are you okay?”Eijun asked

Hikaru looked up at Eijun and nodded. Eijun sighed and grabbed his sibling’s bag.

“Brother.”Hikaru said

“I got your bag. You take it easy.”Eijun said “You played hard out there.”

Hikaru nodded as Haruichi walked up to them.

“You were great out there today also.”Haruichi said to Eijun.

“Oh?”Eijun asked

“It was huge how you managed to hold out the mid-game after Furuya.”

“I was just desperate.”Eijun replied “We were down by runs, so I knew I had to push with my will.”

“No, you really pitched will.” Haruichi said “You kept a good rhythm to.”

Hikaru just staid against the wall, sweat still pouring from his face. Eijun looked at Haruichi shocked.

“Y-You think so?”Eijun asked “I think so to.”

Miyuki walked up to Hikaru and helped him up saying:

“The only reason you were effective today was because Akikawa batters swung carelessly.”

This has made Eijun mad. Miyuki now supported Hikaru, without anyone noticing.

“Most of your throws was right down the middle, brother.”Hikaru said

“It’ll take you years before you become like Yeung.” Miyuki said

Eijun now glanced at his sibling and Miyuki.

“I’ll show you!”Eijun shouted at the two “one day, I’ll claim the title of ‘Clockwork!’”

Hikaru sighed and replied:

“Yeah, and I’ll be the catcher for Seido one day.”

Miyuki laughed loudly.


The other Sawamura....Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat