First Game Debut.....

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Hikaru stood in her position as her brother ran on the field. Hikaru felt anxiety when she saw the batter come into the batter’s box.

“Stay calm.”Yuki said


“We’re not looking for humor here.”Kawakami said

“One out at a time, Eijun-chan!”Masuko shouted

“Don’t make me look bad brother.”Hikaru shouted


Furuya ignored Eijun, which made Hikaru smile.

“FURUYA! You say something Too!” Eijun cried

Hikaru got ready as Eijun got his pitch ready. Hikaru smiled as he heard the coach of Maimon shouting; which in turn got the team yelling again; which made the crowd cheer.

‘Ah, I’ve gained respect for their coach.’ Hikaru thought

Eijun went through his movements to throw his ball, and everyone got ready to move. But no one could believe what just happened, Eijun's ball had flew and hit the batter in the shoulder....making the first pitch of Sawamura Eijun's carer as a pitch of Seidou a dead ball….Seidou got aggregated easily. Miyuki stood up and said:

“Excuse me, time out please.”

Miyuki, Yuki, Ryosuke, Masuko, Kuramochi, Furuya, Jun, and Hikaru all started to close in on Eijun….This made Eijun scared. When the group made it ot Eijun, Kuramochi soon kicked Eijun in the butt which sent him flying to the ground. Now on the ground Eijun looked up at his teammates…..who all had deadly farcical expressions. 

“Stop being so tense!”Kuramochi said

Miyuki raised his glove up to Kuramochi and said:

“Hey, be more discreet.”

“Want another one?”Ryosuke asked

“Want us to kick you off the mound?”Kuramochi asked

“I’m not leaving! I’m the only one who can get us out of this pinch!”Eijun shouted

The regulars all looked at Eijun with a confused and shocked expression. Hikaru gripped in his brothers head in between his knuckles and started to rub it.

“What are you talking about brother? The so called pinch you put us in?”Hikaru asked

“OW! HiKARU!!!!”Eijun cried

“Pinch?”Yuki asked

“Like you’re one to talk.”Kuramochi said

Hikaru let go of Eijun then stood up beside Jun. Miyuki started playing with his glove.

“You have speed today, so I’m not worried.”Miyuki said

“But you’re too tense.”Masuko asked

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