The First 'Practice' Game with the NEW first string

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Hey guys you are probaly wondering why I am updating The other Sawamura more then the Assistant Coaches Daughter...well I'm having writter's block on the Assistant Coaches Daughter. I know where I want to go, but I don't know how to make the characters get where I want them to it might be a little while before The Assistant Coaches Daughter is updated...but do not lose faith, I am working on it...and resarching to make it more intresting:))

Leave Lots of Comments:) I want to know what you guys think:)


Hikaru stood in line with the other first string. It has been three day since Hikaru’s beats were taken….and well she was beyond mad…Hikaru wanted to knock the people who stole her beats out, but she couldn’t do that. However the team from Kiryu was going to be a nice substitute. Hikaru watched as Coach Kataoka had a conversation with the coach from Kiryu. The two schools were brought to the middle of the field. Here the umpire yelled:




The two teams bowed and shouted:


“Let’s have a good game.”


With that Seidou ran to the outfield, while Kiryu got ready to bat. Hikaru stood in the outfield watching Furuya get ready to throw his first pitch. Hikaru then heard her brother start to yell.


‘SHUT UP! Brother listen we have to focus and you shouting isn’t going to help!’Hikaru thought


Hikaru felt her muscles tense right as Furuya through the ball. However, when the ball flew over home plate the Kiryu batter hit it. Hikaru could tell by the sound the ball made that there was no way she could make it to the ball in enough time to stop it from flying over the fence. In a matter of seconds Kiryu was already up two to nothing.  Now the bases were loaded and Furuya had a three ball count. One more ball and Kiryu scores again.


‘Furuya .’ Hikaru thought


Hikaru was now worried about the freshmen pitcher. The two had become close since they were the only first years in the First string for a while...and not only that they were in the same classes. Furuya got ready to throw the ball, and Hikaru felt her muscles tighten again. 


‘My body…’ Hikaru thought


But, Hikaru sighed once she saw Furuya throw another ball. The Kiryu batters walked the bases. This walk made the score now three to nothing, Hikaru couldn’t stand this. Hikaru could only watch as this time a Kiryu batter hit a ball flying it right by the pitcher’s mound. Furuya missed it, but Ryosuke quickly made it to it and grabbed it. Hikaru was shocked to see how Ryosuke caught the ball. He was stretched out on the ground his body was held up by one arm.


“RYO-SAN!”Kuramochi shouted


Ryosuke tossed the ball up to Kuramochi who quickly jumped over Ryosuke, hit second, getting the runner heading to second out, and threw the ball to Tetsuya who got the runner out on first. Hikaru felt her heart pumping.

The other Sawamura....Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt