The Double Headder

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Hey guys:) Great news The Assistant Coaches Daughter's new chapter is being edited as soon as this one gets put up...also...I am kinda worried about the next chapter in this please don't hate me for it....uh well..that's all without giving to much away...Please leave me some good comments like you always do:)

The next day Hikaru was walking to practice when she heard a voice:

“Hey Sawamura!”

Hikaru turned around and saw Tanba.

“Ah Tanba-Senpai how are you?”Hikaru asked

“Fine, you’ve been doing well keeping up with our training.”Tanba said

The two started walking to practice together. Hikaru wouldn’t lie, Tanba and her got along very well. Hikaru guessed it was the fact that they both couldn’t stand Miyuki….or the fact that Hikaru was secretly tutoring Tanba in English.  Maybe it was the fact that they both thought that Eijun was annoying…whatever it was the two got along.

“Thanks…It’s really you guys that are making me continue on….”Hikaru said

“What do you mean?”Tanba asked

“Well I see you guys continue to practice even though you’re tired and soar…and I think I could do way better than them!”Hikaru replied

Tanba gained a tick mark then he grabbed Hikaru’s head in his knuckles. Then he started to nuggy the side of Hikaru’s head.

“Wanna try that again?”Tanba asked

Hikaru laughed nervously, and then finally Tanba let him go. Hikaru walked into the practice field where the others were rubbing the sides of his head.

“Ow..”Hikaru mumbled


‘Shut Up!’All the regulars thought except Haruichi and Furuya

Hikaru punched Eijun in the head then walked to where the other regulars were.


On the final day of camp, we held a three-way round robin between Seidou, Inashiro, and Shukoku.

Hikaru was standing in the dugout by Kuramochi and Masuko while Kawakami was pitching…Hikaru couldn’t help but feel anxiety himself thanks to Kawakami. Kawakami threw his next pitch only to have it fly into Miyauchi’smitt…

“BALL!”the umpire yelled

Hikaru could tell that Kawakami was getting more worried. Kawakami threw a ball only for it to fly where Ryosuke would normally be…but Haruichi was playing there this time. Haruichi jumped for the ball, but missed it. The next ball Kawakami threw it was hit again and flew to the outfield in front of Furuya. Furuya grabbed the ball and tossed it, but the runner had already made it home…Hikaru looked at the face of Kawakami and felt dread for the poor pitcher. Kawakami was a nice guy and Hikaru got along nicely with him…but right now Kawakami was thinking too much in Hikaru’s opinion. Hikaru glanced at their coach, Hikaru just wished for once she knew what he was thinking… Hikaru, Kuramochi, and Masuko could feel a headache grow when they heard the oldest Sawamura Twin start to talk. After being told off by the coach Masuko grabbed him in a head lock covering his mouth, while Kuramochi kicked him in the ribs. Hikaru just followed after the three with his hands in his pockets. Once they were in the bull pen away from the dugout, Hikaru, Kuramochi, and Masuko used this time to shut the older Sawamura twin up.

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