The New Regulars are......

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Hey guys its Me again:) I am working on The Assistant Coaches Daughter, but for that the game will probably be shorter. Nevertheless, I wanted to finish the last second string match on one story before I started it on the second one....Another thing(IMPORTANT)....I've got some emails about who Hikaru will end up with...and the thing is I don't really know...So I've decided to let you guys help me decide:) Everyone is open except lets see who wins:)


(Read the Important note above if you haven't please:) )

Hikaru could only watch in dread as Zaizen walked towards Chris. Hikaru could tell it shocked Chris that his old rival was on this team…but Hikaru could also tell her brother had some new resolve… Hikaru and the regulars were still where they had been since hearing about Chris joining the game.

“Zaizen..Zaizen Naoyuki . He struck me out every at-bat in a game back in middle school.”Jun said

“Yeah.”Captain Yuki replied “He used to be untouchable.”

“Use to be?”Hikaru asked

“Seriously?! Neither of you could touch him.”Kuramochi asked “What kind of monster is he?”

Hikaru and Furuya both had a simple thought running through their mind.

‘Why is such a big shot like that playing pinch hitter?’

It was then Hikaru noticed Chris-Senpai was having an inner conflict with himself.

‘So you figured it out hu Chris-Senpai.’Hikaru thought

About that time Hikaru heard her brother shout:


Hikaru smiled as she watched Chris look at her brother.

“Let’s focus on the batter.”Eijun shouted

Everyone was shocked. No one could believe that the air head Eijun Sawamura gave sound advice….they expected Hikaru to, but not Eijun. Hikaru smirked and said:

“Hm….that might be the smartest thing he has said all game.”

Ryosuke smiled at the young boy. Before anyone else could say anything Eijun started laughing and pointed to the sky.

“Balls are gonna come flying to you so I’m counting on you guys.”Eijun yelled

“He is such an idiot…how did I survive my childhood?”Hikaru asked

The regulars smirked then went back to watching the game. Right as Eijun went to throw the ball the runner on third started to run.

“A Squeeze bunt off the bat?”the regulars asked

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