Footsteps to tomorrow....

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Kawakami and Eijun ran out of the bullpen after being told that Chris wanted them, this left Tanba the only pitcher left in the bullpen. Hikaru stood by Furuya drinking some water. Hikaru was hoping to get the dryness out of his mouth.

“Oh? Did he leave?”Eijun asked running over with Kawakami

“Yes, but he left a few words for you.”Chris said

Eijun looked around and said:

“I haven’t apologized for hitting him yet.”

“Kawakami.” Chris started “He left words for you two.”

“Piggy-Senpai said to tell you Nori that he only yells at people he likes. You are a good pitcher and that you should pitch with more confidence. “Hikaru said

This shocked Kawakami. About that time Kataoka walked out of the dugout and said:

“Chris, have all the pitchers stretch. They’re done, Hikaru you’re coming with me.”

“Yes sir.”Chris said

“EH?!”Hikaru cried as he noticed coach holding a bat and wearing gloves.

“Did I stutter?”Coach Kataoka asked

“No sir.”Hikaru replied then ran ahead of Kataoka to the others

Hikaru made it to the field first.

“HIKARU YOU’RE LATE!”Jun shouted

“I was in the bull pen helping.”Hikaru replied

“How are they looking?”Yuki asked

“Well I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”Hikaru replied with a smirk

“Eh? When did you get so cocky?”Ryosuke asked

“Cocky? I guess it must be from Kazuya and Yoichi…after all they are always trying to hang out with me.”Hikaru replied

“HIAKRU!”Miyuki and Kuramochi shouted

Hikaru then heard the coach walking up…so the conversation died out. Hikaru stood beside coach as he shouted:

“Yuki, pre-game field practice! Pretend it’s the real thing!”

Hikaru ran out to left feild and took it over from a random third year.

“YES SIR!”Yuki yelled

“LETS GO!” Kuramochi shouted

“URGA!”Masuko shouted

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