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Everyone was still talking about Seido’s score….No one could believe how aggressive Ryosuke was with his run nor could they believe how and where Masuko hit the ball. Miyuki now stood in the batter’s box. He couldn’t really believe that he was in this situation again. Another walk….Miyuki walked to  his base, but tried not to look at the dugout to where his teammates were  ‘trying’ to be supportive… Hikaru watched as Shirasu got out again….

‘Che. His fastball has gotten faster! He’s getting fired up from walking Miyuki every time…’Hikaru thought then looked at the Sensen Coach ‘But I guess the coach knew this would happen…’

Tanba was getting ready to bat; he could feel the heat baking down on him.  Hikaru smirked as he saw Coach Kataoka walking up to Tanba.


Tanba looked then him and coach talked. Tanba was shocked when he heard what coach had said, but Tanba also knew if it was his request then it will be okay.

Hikaru smirked, he knew that only Haruichi could help him get the last little bit of data he needed.  Hikaru felt bad for sending Haruichi out there to face the monster, before Hikaru himself used his full ability…but right now if Hikaru went against Maiki Hikaru would lose. While Hikaru’s favorite little pinch hitter walked out, Hikaru could tell he was nervous…but Hikaru never stopped having faith in him. It was because of this unwavering trust that Hikaru found himself closing his eyes so he could focus on the task that he had given himself.

Hikaru could hear the roar of the crowd cheering for Maiki and Haruichi, Hikaru could hear the pounding of her heart…Nevertheless, Hikaru found the quite place in her mind. The same place where she goes while she is watching films on pitcher and the place where her memories of the happy days of baseball live…While Hikaru was going here she could feel her muscles starting to lose; her once pounding heart was slowly starting to slow down. Hikaru then started going back over all the pitches she had seen in this match. It was like a fast motion movie going on In Hikaru’s mind. 

After her reflection was over Hikaru opened her eyes to see that Haruichi himself was in the zone as Toshiro would say.  Hikaru saw the pitch in slow motion, and knew Haruichi could also, but she couldn’t fight the worry that was starting to come up. Hikaru could only watch as Haruichi slowly started to corner himself…but she knew Haruichi had the will to fight it back. Miyuki and Yuki yelled encouragement to Haruichi.  But they knew no matter how much they yelled the outcome of this next pitch was totally up to Haruichi.

‘Stop thinking and just move.’ Hikaru thought ‘After all you’re like me all we think about is returning the ball.’

Hikaru felt it, and saw it….the perfect ball, the one that Haruichi could destroy.

‘Now!’Hikaru thought

The ball went flying, to left field. All Haruichi could hope was that the left feilder was not like Hikaru…and Harucihi’s wish came true. The left fielder missed the ball and all the runners from Seido came home. Hikaru smirked, watched as the next batter for Seido got out.  Eijun ran over to Hikaru once he got the chance.

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