Finding new ways to grow...

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Hikaru eyed Chris and her brother carefully, she had been ignoring Yoichi this morning. He kept trying to figure out why Miyuki was avoiding Hikaru and if they had to talk make him laugh. However, Hikaru didn’t have time for that….she had a gut feeling something was going to happen to her twin. Hikaru walked over to Ryosuke, Yuki, Jun, and Masuko to get in line to hit. It was then she decided to ask her question.

“Ne, Ryouske-Senpai, Jun-Senpai, Masuko-nii, Captain Yuki I have a question.”Hikaru said

Jun, Yuki, Ryosuke, and Masuko looked at the boy.

“What is it Sawamura number two?”Jun asked

Hikaru felt aggregated, but ignored it and asked:

“Is there a chance for Chris-Senpai to play again?”

The group of third years looked at the first year.

“Why would you ask that?”Ryosuke asked

“It’s not like I hate Kazuya-“Hikaru start but soon they heard Miyuki laugh “Okay scratch that I wish Kazuya couldn’t talk…but I think Chris-Senpai would be a good member of the your team.”

Ryosuke, Yuki, Jun, and Masuko looked at each other then at Hikaru.

“What are you saying your team, idiot.”A voice said

About that time Hikaru was kicked in the back. Hikaru stood up and rubbed his back.

“Ow Yoichi.”Hikaru said

“You’re apart of our team Hikaru. Rather we like it or not.”Tanba said walking over

“But, we do like you more than we do your brother.”Miyuki replied walking over

“Your brother is annoying.”Jun said simply

Hikaru laughed nervously….

“Yeah, my brother can be annoying….but he really loves baseball…even if he doesn’t really understand it….but, let’s think of it this way…my brother is a complete newbie with a hidden talent….is it not up to us to raise him in the right way to do things….we can’t leave it all up to Chris-Senpai.”Hikaru replied

About that time Hikaru was kicked again.


Hikaru stood up and dusted off his uniform then said:

“nareulsallyeojwo S.O.S (Save me S.O.S)”


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