The Clash Begins...Oh My...

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It was night time at Seidou and everyone was in the lunchroom eating. Hikaru had taken her seat by her brother since Taichi and Shinichi had to tutor some of their classmates. Hikaru sighed as she watched her brother stuff his face. Hikaru was eating her rice while Eijun was shoveling his down saying:

"A-Another bowl please."

(Hikaru's outfit is in the picture box)

Hikaru could only think back to what Taichi had told her.

‘Five rivals? Wow, this might be interesting after all.’ Hikaru thought

However, a voice broke her out of her toughts:

"You’re eating now? You were throwing up on the first day."

Miyuki walk and sat on the other side of her brother. Miyuki turned to Hikaru and Eijun then said:

"You youngsters are lucky you grow so fast."

"Shut up!"Eijun said with a mouth full

Eijun used this time to look around the cafeteria.

"Everyone’s so quite."Eijun said

Hikaru didn’t reply she just went back to eating. She had already heard the news from Taichi.

"Did something happen?"Eijun asked Hikaru

"You haven’t heard?"Miyuki asked "The first-years and the upperclassmen are having a game."

"WHAT!?!"Eijun shouted then he grabbed Miyuki by the shirt and started shaking him "I haven’t heard anything about that! Can I play? Can I?"

Hikaru gained a tick mark. She reached up slapped her brother in the head.

"Sit down and shut up! You’re making a scene!"Hikaru said

Eijun dropped the upperclassman and turned to his sibling.

"Hikaru, do you think I am going to get to play?"Eijun asked

"Brother, you’re a freshmen right? When Kazuya said first-years that includes you."Hikaru replied

"Are you going to get to play Hikaru?"Eijun asked

"Yeah, Taichi-Senpai is making sure I do. He said a real game is the experience I need to grow. He also said he needs data with me in a real game…so I have no choice."Hikaru replied

Miyuki hated being out of a conversation so he decided to butt in on it:

"Usually, the first-years only do basic strength training. They don’t participate in the first-string tryouts. But after our last game, we’re a little desperate."Miyuki said

About that time the three heard someone walk up.

"Um." the voice said

The three looked to see who it was.

"Can I sit next to you?"Furuya asked Miyuki

"It’s you!"Eijun cried

"Excuse me."Furuya replied knocking Eijun out of his seat.

Eijun went to fly into Hikaru who just moved back and let her brother fall in the floor. Miyuki watched in amazement while Hikaru watched with a bored expression.

"WHY ARE YOU SITTING THERE!?"Eijun asked Furuya.

"Miyuki-Senpai."Furuya started

This got Eijun’s, Hikaru’s and Miyuki’s attention.

"During tomorrow’s scrimmage, I don’t plan on letting anyone hit my pitch. If I manage, will you catch my pitch?"Furuya asked

Hikaru glanced around the lunch room and saw everyone staring at him.

The other Sawamura....Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ