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After I had left practice a little bit earlier than usual, I decided to stop by Ayesha's.
I knocked on the door nervously.
A couple seconds later, Ayesha opened the door.
"Hey Klay. What's up?"

"I need advice." I said, walking in.

She chuckled and raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, but Steph isn't in now."

"Oh, I don't need advice from him. I need it from you."

"Okay. Why me?"

"I need...romantic...advice on one of your friends.."


"Does it matter?"

"It does if you want my advice." She said, crossing her arms.

"Okay. Okay. Jasmine."

"You and Jasmine have something going on!" She smiled.

I smiled back and sighed.
"Yeah...I'm taking her out today..on an actual date but I need help on what to do. What does she like?"

"Klay....Mr. Playboy, nervous over a girl?" She chuckled.

"No time for jokes. Advice please?"

"She's a simple, down-to-earth girl Klay. Just follow what you think she would like."

I rolled my eyes.
"That's generic advice Ayesha."

She raised an eyebrow and sighed.
"Fine. She's spontaneous, do something simple like dinner, then surprise her by taking her somewhere different. She loves The Weeknd. She also loves sweets, so take her to a restaurant that has good desserts. She's not into show offs though, so you don't have to go all out to make her happy."

I nodded, taking mental notes as she talked.
I stood up and hugged her.
"Thank you Aye."

She hugged back and smiled.
"No problem. Good luck!"


I walked up to Steph as he practiced.
"Hey Steph."

"Hey you." He smiled, taking out his headphones and turning to me.

"I need some advice."

"Okay. On what?"

I paused.
Do I really want to ask him for advice?
Steph is not exactly the easiest person to talk about guys with.
"Forget it." I sighed, deciding last minute to just keep my thoughts to myself.

"No. What did you want to ask me Jasmine?"

"It's nothing."

He pulled me back towards him and looked in my eyes.
"Your lying."

I looked into his green eyes and sighed as he stared into mine.
I hated the fact that he knew everything about me.
"Okay. I need some advice on Klay.."


"He's taking me out tonight and I want to know some stuff about him...and you guys being close friends and all-"

He paused.
"Wait what?"


"You guys are going out on a date?"

I nodded.

"I didn't know you guys were that close.." He said, slightly rolling his eyes.

"Why would you? I don't exactly talk to you about guys Steph. Especially since you go all overprotective brother mode on me."

"No I don't."

"Remember when I told you about Kyrie!"

He sighed and grimaced at the thought of that argument.
We didn't talk for a whole month after that.
"I'm sorry. I just...I just don't want you getting hurt."

"I can take care of myself Wardell. I learnt from the best." I smiled, poking him in the chest. "Now, come on, is there anything I need to know about Klay?"

He sighed.
"Not Really. He's a good guy. Kind of shy so initiate conversation. To be honest he's calmed down a lot."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he used to be kind of wild."

" 'Wild'?"

"Like, he used to be a manwhore. But key word is 'used to be'. Just be careful."

I nodded.
"Alright. Thanks Steph."

He smiled.
"Good luck!"

Internship ~Klay Thompson~Where stories live. Discover now