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I smiled as Ayesha jumped on me, giving me a bone-crushing hug. After the outing with Klay, I decided to visit Ayesha.

"Hello to you to Aye!" I smiled, as I hugged back.

Steph chuckled from inside.
"Dang baby. You're going to crush her."

Ayesha rolled her eyes and smiled, moving away and inviting me inside.
"I haven't seen her in four months. I going to hug her as if I haven't seen her in years."

I took my jacket and hug it up on the coat rack.

"When did you get here?" She asked, as I followed her into their huge kitchen.

An amazing smell hit my nose as I walked in.
I inhaled deeply.
"Wow I missed your cooking so much." I sighed with a pleased smile.

She chuckled and tended to the food.
"Well, I missed you so it's even. How long have you been here?"

"Only two weeks."

She nodded and turned the stove off.
"Steph told me about the internship. Congrats girl!"

"Thank you! I actually wasn't sure I would get the internship. It was just a split second decision. I mean I was doing good in Cleveland. I wasn't in a rush to move, but when the opportunity came, I couldn't pass it up."

"How were things going in Cleveland?" She asked, starting to make plates.

"Things were good." I nodded.

She smiled and turned to me.
"How are you and you know who?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Distant." I chuckled. "We agreed to just be friends since we were physically across the country from each other and I think that was the best choice."

She nodded.

"How are you and Wardell?"

She smiled.
"I love how you switch his name up and we're amazing, still going strong."

I looked around and just starting realizing the quietness of the house.
"Where are my goddaughters?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"They're at their grandparents."

"Aw. I miss them." I pouted.

"Well, are you free on Monday night?"

"I should be..why?"

"Me and Steph have our date night that night and we need a babysitter for the girls. You mind doing it?"

"Of course! Anything to see my girls again."

"Thank you! It's been so tough finding a babysitter."

"Whenever I'm free and you need a babysitter just call."

"You've been here for 10 minutes and your already making my life easier."

I smiled.
"That's what I'm here for gal."

Internship ~Klay Thompson~Where stories live. Discover now