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~A week later~

"Yo. Steph."

"What's up?"

"You ready for tonight?"

He shrugged and sighed. He'd been going through a shooting slump for the past couple of game..and it was only getting worse..
"I don't know man. Hopefully."

I threw a shot up and smiled, watching it go in.

"How are you and Jas?" He asked.

"Me and Jas?"

"Are you guys still not talking?"

"Nah, I mean..we're talking..just not like that.."

He nodded.
"I still can't believe she pulled that stunt with Kyrie. She's good."

"She is good..because it worked.."

"You could always get her back.." He smirked.

I returned his devious smile and looked over at Jas who was helping Kevin with his sore right shoulder.
"What did you have in mind Curry?"



I looked up at the TV monitor as the team played the Jazz, a team they usually struggled against. The game was close, especially because the lead that they once held had completely diminished. They were now down 5. I prayed my attention away and turned my attention back to Kevin's shoulder.
"How is this?" I asked, trying to extend it upwards.

He winced slightly but tried to cover it.
"It's good."

I gave him a stern look.
"Kevin. I understand this injury has been bugging you but I need the truth. I can't risk you further injuring it."

He sighed and nodded.
"Nah, it still feels strained."

I nodded, wrapping an ace bandage and ice on it. I wrote down some observations and looked back up at him.
"Jackie will be with you in conditioning tomorrow to further heal it."

He nodded, as his attention was fixated on the TV. I put my notepad down and also stared at the game, seeing there was a minute left and we were down 2. Steph dribbled down court before pulling up from 30 feet and launching it. Me and Kevin's mouths dropped in awe as it went in.

"Your friend is a freak of nature!" Kevin chuckled.

I smiled as we continued watching the final seconds. Steph had back to back threes which put us up 4, then Mitchell hit a three for the Jazz, silencing the crowd. Last possession, we had the ball and Steph was getting hounded by the Jazz defense.

"Pass the ball Curry." Kevin mumbled.

He passed it to Klay who was waiting for it. Klay, off balance, hit the jumper with 1 second left. Dagger.

"Yes!" We yelled, high-fiving each other.

That was game, the Jazz barely even got a shot off as the final buzzer sounded causing the crowd to erupt. Me and Kevin went out to the tunnel to greet the players and congratulate them.
After greeting all of them, I noticed that a certain number hadn't walked down the tunnel yet. I looked at the end of it and saw Klay talking to some beautiful girl. She had short black hair, light brown skin, and had a pair of shorts that hugged her curves and an number 11 Golden State Jersey on. A sudden surge of jealousy jolted through me as I slightly glared at them.

Internship ~Klay Thompson~Where stories live. Discover now