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I went and opened the door to reveal Klay standing there.
I raised an eyebrow.
"Klay....What are you doing here?"

He furrowed his eyebrows.
"What are you doing here?"

"I asked first."

"I'm here to babysit. I was late. Why are you here?"

"I'm...I'm here babysitting."

Klay sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Steph asked me a couple of days ago to babysit Riley and Ryan while him and Ayesha went on a date night."

"Ayesha asked me a couple of days ago too.."

"Well, this is an awkward misunderstanding." He smiled.

I chuckled.

"Uh, you need help babysitting? I'm already here.."

I bit my lip and thought about it.
Alone time with Klay...how could I turn that offer down.
I opened the door for Klay to come in and he walked in and turned to me.
"Okay. I could use some help. Riley is an energetic little girl."

He smiled and walked in.
"What smells so good?"

I smiled.
"I'm making chicken Alfredo. Ayesha said it's Riley's favorite."

He followed me into the kitchen as the girls played.
"If it tastes as good as it smells, I'm in for a treat."  He smiled.

I walked over to tend to the sauce. It was practically done now. The chicken was cooked and the pasta was done. Now all I needed to do was put it all together.

"Want to taste?"


I want to taste something but it's not the sauce

I nodded and walked over to her as she moved the spoon over to me.

"Wow. Pretty, into basketball, and she's a cook. That's a perfect resumé girl." I said, in awe at how good the sauce was.

"Perfect resumé for who?"

"Me." I smiled.

She blushed and turned back to the food.


Klay went into the living room with the girls to watch them while I made dinner plates.
I made all of our plates and put them down at the dining table.

I smiled and walked into the living room to see Klay sipping imaginary tea with Ryan.
"Dinner is ready." I said, stifling the laughter that wanted to escape.

He smiled and picked Ryan up to bring her to the table as Riley followed me. We all sat down and ate. Klay was making Riley and Ryan laugh by making funny faces, also making me laugh in the process. He also got Ryan, a very picky eater, to eat her small portion of food by pretending the spoonfuls were airplanes. After this entertainment. Riley got seconds and Klay got seconds, thirds, and fourths.
I looked at him wide eyed as he went back for a fifth plate.
"What? It's good." He shrugged with a smile.

Internship ~Klay Thompson~Where stories live. Discover now