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I was training with Draymond and we were doing dribbling practices. I was doing them along with him but much faster hoping to give him motivation to go faster.
"Come on Dray. I know you can do more than that."

He sighed.
"I think your dribbling extremely fast on purpose Jas."

"Let me let you in on a little secret."

He looked up.

"I'm not dribbling fast. This is me going normal."

His eyes slightly widened as his dribbling slowly got faster and faster until it was my speed.

I smiled.
"There you go. How does your shoulder feel?"

"It's actually getting better." He said, still focusing on the dribbling.

This was the kind of focus I wanted him to have. Draymond was competitive and I knew if I somehow converted this into a competition he'd have more focus and concentrate more.

I stopped and sighed, grabbing my clipboard.
I looked over Dray's shoulder to see Klay staring at me. He looked around embarrassed that I had caught him. I chuckled to myself and waved.
He smiled sheepishly and waved back before turning back to Steph who was doing shooting drills.


"You still going through with the plan?" Steph asked, shooting the ball in.

I nodded.
"Yeah. Of course."

"Alright. Be there at 8' o clock. Actually a couple minutes later. We should be gone and she should be there with the kids."

I nodded with excitement for what could happen tonight. Honestly, I just craved any alone time with her. After showing her around Oakland, I've been missing her bubbly personality around me.

"Hey." Steph said, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"No sex."


"No. Sex. Got it?"

"I wasn't planning on having sex with her in the first place Steph."

He raised an eyebrow and gave me a look that said he thought I was lying.

"I'm serious!"

"Just remember what I said and no alcohol."

"Why would we drink? We are babysitting your kids."

"I mean after you put them to bed smartass."

I nodded and agreed.

Hopefully everything goes well...


I threw on a sweatshirt and some leggings then headed over to Steph's house for my babysitting appointment. I rang the doorbell and Steph answered it and let me inside.

I smiled as Riley ran towards me.
"Hi Aunt Jasmine!"

I smiled and picked her up.
"Hey RiRi!" I yelled, swinging her around.

She smiled widely as I put her down and looked up at a fancily dressed Ayesha and Steph.

"Ooooo. Don't your mom and dad look nice!"

She nodded.
"Like models!"

I nodded.
"Just like models!"

Ayesha chuckled and smiled.
"Ryan is in the living room playing with her precious tea set. Uh, Riley has been dying for some Fettuccine Alfredo...but from you."

I nodded.
"I'm honored to be the Chef for the night."

Steph sighed and wrapped his hands around Ayesha's waist.
"We have to go my love."

Ayesha smiled and looked up at me.
"Okay. You got everything? Oh and bedtime is at 9' o clock."

I nodded.
"Alright. Got it. Now go! Enjoy yourselves."

"Thank you Jasmine." Steph said, hugging me before him and Ayesha walked out.

I smiled and waved as I closed the door behind them.
I turned to Riley quickly.
"What do you want to do first?"

She took my hand and led me to the living room with a smile. I saw a large Barbie playhouse with scattered dolls on the floor. Ryan had her stuffed animals in chairs while positioning them.

I smiled and walked over to her.
"Hi Ryan." I said, kissing her cheek.

She smiled and giggled in response.

I turned my attention to Riley and her many dolls.
"Alright. Who's who?"

She pointed to the two white dolls.
"That's Ashley and that's Ginger."

I nodded.
"Okay. Who's that?" I asked pointing to the black girl.

"That's Bambi. She's my favorite." She smiled.

"Okay. I'll be Ashley." I smiled.

We played 'house' for a little bit before I went in the kitchen and started on dinner. I boiled the water and added the noodles in. I started cooking the chicken and making the sauce.
Thank god Ayesha had a huge kitchen.
As everything was cooking, I laid on the couch with Ryan and Riley and put on Frozen, per Riley's request, even though I know she's seen it millions of times. I got up periodically to check the food and eventually everything was cooked down. I sat back down with the girls and as soon as I got comfortable the doorbell rang.
I groaned and raised an eyebrow.
Who could that be?

I sighed and looked at Riley.
"Stay here okay."

She nodded, eyes still glued to the large television screen.

I walked up to the door and looked through the peephole. I raised an eyebrow at who I saw through it.

I opened the door with a confused face.
"What are you doing here?"

Internship ~Klay Thompson~Where stories live. Discover now