Chapter 4: Call Me Max

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It had been a little over a month since Nash and I had made our bet. We hardly spoke. I mean, we argued sometimes, as normal, though we never talked. But every day, and I mean every fucking day he’d remind me of the bet. Walking past me in the hallway, he’d whisper, "Don’t forget." At lunch, he’d mouth, "Don’t forget." 

It wasn’t like I needed him to remind me. Because, believe me, I didn’t forget. Ever. The sheer thought of losing this bet and having to sleep with Nash freaked me out so much that it never left my mind.

My plan to get Mr Edwards to notice me was working, though. He definitely acknowledged me as the smartest person in the class (how could he not?), and he even held me back after class a few times to compliment me on my work, and recommend I read certain books and practice writing more essays on them.

The next step with Mr Edwards, was to get him to flirt with me. And he most definitely would, if I could just get him to think about me. And not in a "she’s-such-a-good-student" type of way, but more in a "damn-when-is-that-girl-legal-‘cos-I’d-tap-that" type of way. So far, I was not succeeding on that front.

Lately, I had been wearing clothes that showed a little more skin, which was very unlike me. I wasn’t one to leave little to the imagination, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

On Thursday, I went into school wearing a belted cream skater dress, that stopped mid-thigh, and a pair of floral printed ballet plats. Though Summer was not yet upon us, my legs were a lovely golden colour (God bless my Greek heritage) so, naturally, I had to show them off in a dress.

Throughout the day, I got compliments and cat-calls from numerous guys - though, that was normal for me, so why would I care? I was impatient waiting for English, last class, to roll around. After the bell rang, signalling the end of second last class, I was about to head to English when my phone started ringing. I sighed and walked to my locker as I answered it.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone, hoping this wouldn’t take long.

“Jolie?” I heard my mom say, and I relaxed some.

"Hey, mom," I said as I stood at my locker, "What’s up?"

"I know you’re still in school, but do you think you could pick up your brother and sister afterwards?" She asked, and I could hear lots of chatter in the background. She was probably still at work.

"Sure, no problem," I said, watching as the hallway emptied, "You working late?"

"Just an hour or two," She sighed, "What’s worse is that we have a business partner of your father’s coming over for dinner tonight."

"When were you planning on telling me this?" I asked, irked by the news.

"Just now. I have to go, I’ll see you later. Love you," And with that, she hung up. I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone into my bag, then made my way to class. Great, now I’m late, I thought. 

I got to the classroom and walked in without knocking. I felt everyone’s eyes on me, but I ignored them and looked at Mr Edwards.

"You’re late for class, Jolie,” He spoke, staring at some papers on his desk.

"I know sir, I’m so sorry."

Mr Edwards opened his mouth to speak and looked at me, but paused as his gaze quickly drifted towards my legs. A smirk played on my lips as he looked back at my face.

"Yes, well," He said, trying to hide the fact he was just checking me out, "Don’t do it again."

I nodded and took my seat. As I opened my books, I heard a voice whisper over my shoulder, “Nice legs.”

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