She drummed her fingers on the desk, which is what she did in class when she was thinking of alternate answers to difficult questions students asked her.

"Quidditch seems to be something you value. However, in order to let you play, you will have to keep your grades up. If you fail to do so, I will have to discuss this matter with your team captain."

"So you're letting me tryout today then?" I asked, hoping I hadn't pushed my luck.

She nodded.

"You will leave detention at noon for only an hour, then return and continue."

"Thank you!" I exclaimed.

Thank Merlin!

She chuckled to herself.

"You remind me of a student I had in the past. He too had a slight disregard for the rules, as well as a passion for Quidditch." She looked at me with sad eyes. I couldn't help but wonder why.

"Go on and help the others with those trophies. Good luck at your tryout, Mr. Jackson."

"Thank you, professor. I won't let you down."

I wouldn't. And no, I wasn't talking about the tryout. I was a shoe in on the team, I hardly needed to lift a finger to make my usual spot as chaser. I had been referring to my grades; I wouldn't let her down, I couldn't.


"Oi, Frank!" Frank and the other girl were sitting crosslegged on the floor beside the open trophy case. Frank had assumed the position of dusting. Hazel had begun taking out all of the trophies, and writing down with order they were in so we would put them back in the correct placing.

Frank turned towards me, nearly spraying himself in the eye with the can of dusting spray as he waved to me.

"Merlin, that was a close call." He laughed. Frank observed the can in interest for a moment before continued to spray and wipe off the trophies.

"I've never had to clean the muggle way before. I'm not complaining that this is our punishment though, it's kind of cool! It makes you pay more attention to detail when you're doing the work without a wand. For example," he held up a trophy, "If we had been cleaning with wands, I wouldn't have noticed a ridiculous name like this! Let me ask you, who would name their kid something like this?"

I read the trophy, which had "Dorcas Meadowes, Most snitches caught in the 1978 Quidditch season" engraved into it.

"I'm actually learning things as well! Did you know that it's a Hufflepuff who holds the record for the most blocked quaffles in a game? That's fantastic. Whoever Nymphadora Tonks is, she's pretty phenomenal!" Frank exclaimed.

"Hazel, I really wish you would have tried for the Quidditch team this year! Natalie was captain, she seems to like you. I bet she would have chosen you." Frank encouraged.

"Quidditch isn't really my thing. Ernie has been trying to get me to play since my first year." Hazel complained. "Annabeth has as well, she's tried to each me how to fly." Hazel cut herself off.

"Wait, Annabeth, as in, Annabeth Chase?"" Hazel nodded.

"She was one of my best friends. We're in a bit of a fight at the moment." Hazel explained.

Who hasn't Chase had a falling out with? She wasn't an easy person to get along with.

"How is her ankle?" I asked, hoping to ease some of the tension I had supplied to the room. It was one of my many gifts, making situations awkward.

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