Everything has changed

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Sarada was at peace for the first time in days. Truth be told, she was exhausted. Half-crazed. She needed a break. So she leaned against a tree and closed her eyes, again, for the first time in days, and felt no worry. It didn't seem right to her. She felt like there was something she should be concerned about. Something was bugging her, but she was too at peace to care about it. As if she was sinking into dark waters, floating around, weightless.

It was strange, but Sarada liked it.

Even though it felt unnatural.

"Sarada." The dark waters disappeared. Someone was talking to her. Sarada lifted her head and looked around, but saw no one. "Sarada." Sarada frowned.

"Where is that coming from?" She asked herself. She stood up, getting a better vantage point and scanning the place for someone. Anyone. "Hello?"

"Sarada." The voice replied. It seemed to be coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Sarada couldn't pinpoint what direction it was coming from. That was a bad situation to be in if you were a kunoichi.

"Hello?" She said again, reaching for her weapons pouch. She might've been half asleep and crazy, but she was still Sarada Uchiha. She pulled out a kunai and stood still on the soft grass. She wanted more than anything to sink into the grass and just sleep forever, but she had responsibilities. "Who are you?"

"I think you know me." Someone said. The voice sounded vaguely familiar. Could it be? No. He was in a coma. Then again, so, in a way, was she.

"Are you Uncle Itachi?" Sarada asked the nothingness.

"Yes." The voice, now Uncle Itachi, purred.

"Where are you?" Sarada asked. "How are you awake?"

"Listen, Sarada. I don't have much time. You will sink deeper into the sleeping realm, but for now, I'll keep you here with me." Itachi said. A crow appeared suddenly beside Sarada, and perched on her shoulder. Sarada wasn't startled, she always thought crows and ravens reminded her of Sasuke, and Sasuke said they reminded him of his brother.

"Hi Uncle Itachi." She said, without hesitancy, to the crow.

Her uncle was a crow. She did not like the places her mind wandered after that, so she focused on Itachi's familiar Mangekyo Sharingan and chakra.

"Hello, Sarada." His purring voice was comforting.

"Where are you? Are you awake in the real world?" Sarada asked, feeling questions rise up.

"I'm here." Itachi said. "Partially. Another part of my mind is deep in a coma, or I guess a genjutsu. I have to break out of it."

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