Welcome to the mess

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"Erm.... hi, Mama," Sarada smiled sheepishly. Itachi walked in after her, shutting the door quietly so he wouldn't attract the attention of the pink haired girl. "How are you?"

"Angry." Sakura scowled, grabbing Sarada by the hand and dragging her inside. "Did future me raise you to be so brash?? Just so you know, you're grounded for life."

Sarada sighed, but wasn't surprised. "Yeah, kinda figured that."



Itachi watched, overall amused at his future niece's reaction to her mother. The pink haired woman was intimidating indeed. He understood now that Sakura was the one who kept that family in line. Sakura led them into the kitchen and past that to the dining room, where everyone was yelling at each other.

Then Sasuke noticed Sarada. "Sarada," he sighed in relief, standing from his seat and coming over to her. "Are you hurt?" He began checking her over for injuries with his eyes. When he was satisfied that Sarada seemed to be fine, his eyes narrowed in anger, and he crossed his arms. "That was the most stupid thing I've ever seen."

"Em, Sasuke?" Naruto snorted. "Isn't being the overprotective mother hen Sakura-chan's job?"

Sasuke turned to him and growled, before turning back to Sarada with a thoroughly pissed off look. "We had that completely handled before you and your little friend interrupted."

"It wasn't only Sarada's fault, quit railing on her." Boruto helped his best friend out once he saw her getting kind of annoyed at her father for the first time... ever. Sasuke was normally really cool, and not scold-y. This was new behavior for both of them, since Sasuke had always been the one to tell them to follow their guts.

"BORUTO!" Sarada ran over to him and checked her fellow time traveler for injuries. "You IDIOT! When I told you to cause a distraction, I meant throw a stick in the opposite direction or something, not charge in! Why did you do that?!"

Boruto backed away from Sarada with an irritated look on his face. "I'm fine, you can leave me alone. Jeez, I save you from Uncle Sasuke and this is the thanks I get? Some friend you are, 'ttebasa."

That got him glares from both Sasuke and Sarada.

Sarada knew something wasn't right with Boruto, he looked paler than normal and he had a slightly pained look, but he wouldn't let her see if he was okay. She figured it was guilt, and left him alone like he'd asked, because she knew what it felt like to want to be left alone.

"I still can't believe my Sasuke-kun chose you over me." Karin pouted, glaring at Sakura.

Sakura glanced at her. "Who are you again?"

Sasuke sighed. "Sakura, this is Karin Uzumaki, one of my teammates."

"She's obsessed with Sasuke." Suigetsu rolled his eyes. "She's just a creep, don't listen to her."

"I see," Sakura looked at Karin thoughtfully. "Wow, you're a lot like me when I was younger."

Karin scoffed. "And how is that?"

"Annoying." Sakura said smoothly, almost sounding as emotionless as Sasuke whenever he says the word. "And desperate." Karin's face go red, and Boruto, Suigetsu and Naruto snickered.

Karin's face burned bright red, humiliated and angry, but knew it wasn't her place to yell at Sakura. While ordinarily, that wouldn't have stopped her, Kakashi was glaring at her like she was the scum of the earth, and from the looks of it she did not want to get on anyone's bad side. Karin might be obsessed, fine, but she wasn't an idiot. So she stood up and walked away, wandering the halls like an idiot. Sakura almost sighed, wishing Karin wasn't like this. They probably could get along better if she wasn't so defensive.

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