We're here

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"Are you okay, peanut?" Sasuke knelt in front of his daughter. Her eyes were bleeding, and her Sharingan had changed. Jesus... what all did I miss?

"Papa." She muttered, looking him straight in the eyes with a look that inspired terror into Sasuke's core. "That man hurt Itachi." She pointed over to Pain. Sasuke looked at the orange haired man, who was smirking victoriously. Damn, it's been a bit... I never saw Pain personally, but he's every bit as disturbing as Naruto described him to be. This one is just a body, right? Nagato is manipulating him from a different location. That could make it harder to kill him.

Actually, Sasuke realized, we don't kill him. Naruto does. So right now, our priority should be to run away.

I can't believe Sarada has the cursed eyes... I was working so hard so she wouldn't have them. But I suppose there was nothing I could do to stop her. No clan values love as much as the Uchiha.

Sasuke suddenly looked down, and his arm was back. He hadn't even noticed, but it would take a while to get used to. It felt like his arm was never gone. "What the..." So was Naruto's. The two stared at each other in surprise. "It's the future. They're changing things. Apparently we never had that fight, eh?"

"I guess not." Naruto shrugged cheerfully, flexing his fingers in amusement. "Good thing, too."

"SARADA!" Sakura from the future cried, running over to her child. Hugging her tightly, Sakura pulled back, looking angry at her daughter. "Sarada Uchiha, you scared us! Don't you ever do that again!"

Sarada didn't complain about Sakura's strong grip. Which made Sakura pull back to examine her child. "Sarada? Are you okay?" She asked quietly, her medic voice making an appearance as she checked her daughter over for injuries aside from her new Mangekyo.

"I'm fine, Mama." Her voice was monotone, devoid of the usual emortions she had.

Sasuke knew that tone well. That was the tone of voice he had used when he couldn't feel anything. Just as he had feared, Sarada was turning out like him, but it hadn't happened in the way he had imagined.

"BORUTO!" Naruto saw his son and sprinted over, still wary of the enemies right in front of them, but he was too relieved to care very much.

"DAD!" Boruto shouted back, happy to finally see his dad and mom again. They met in a powerful embrace, with Hinata not far behind.

"BORUTO, I SWEAR TO KAMI I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU GO THROUGH MY OFFICE AGAIN!" Naruto scowled, pulling back temporarily to yell at his kid.

Boruto chuckled sheepishly. "I, uh, I missed you too, tou-san."

The Akatsuki watched the heartwarming scene with passive looks on their faces. Their orders hadn't changed- the fact that there were more people now didn't change that, even though said people appeared to be familiar looking. That was even more interesting, actually.

Younger Sasuke looked at his older self in contained awe. Is that me? I look old. He looked at Sakura and a small smile appeared on his face. She looks happy.

"This is touching and everything," Deidra called, "But don't we have to fight?"

Older Sasuke sighed and took a handkerchief out of his pocket. "Sarada, come here." Sarada obliged, blinking up at her father as if she had just noticed him. He wiped the blood from her eyes and kissed her forhead. "Hey," He whispered to her. "I missed you."

Bloody tears (No pun intended ) ran down Sarada's cheeks. "I missed you too, Dad."

"These eyes don't change you." Sasuke whispered, gently shaking his head and pressing his fingers to his daughter's temples. "You're still you. Don't let them change you."

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