To die, or not to die

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Me: *rereads title* this'll freak people out.

Me: *shruggs* oh well. Oh, guys, check out the video. I'm warning you, though, it made me a crazy, sobbing mess on my bedroom floor, which is why I am writing right now.

ANYWAY, onto what you really came for!!!!

Sasuke hated everything that had happened in the past few days. Every little thing. He wanted his life to be back to normal, the bliss of not knowing that his brother was not only a truly amazing person, but that he was dying. It nearly killed him to see Itachi's pale, lifeless face in his room. Izumi, Hinata and Sakura made sure that he was comfortable 24/7, and Boruto and Sarada visited every twenty or so minutes when they got bored.

Sasuke? Sasuke stayed in Itachi's room 24/7, making Sakura worry about him constantly.

"He was always there for me." Sasuke had insisted. "It's the least I can do, Sakura."

She nodded, worried, but went with it. She brought Sasuke breakfast, lunch and dinner, and offered to keep an eye on Itachi for him, switch places while he takes a nap.

He almost excepted her offer.


"I'm staying with him, Sakura." He declared. "And there is nothing you can do to stop me."

While he sat, he reflected on his life. Now that he thought about it, what an idiot he was. Itachi had always been there, no matter what. There was no way that that sweet, fun-loving Uchiha had turned into a monster like that over night. It was absolutely impossible. Maybe my older self is right. I am an idiot. How could I have so little faith in my own brother... and he's always believed in me... I'm a horrible person.

Sasuke watched his brother, wanting to talk to him, the way he used to. He would pour out his heart to Itachi, and Itachi would always listen, give advice... now ol' nii-san is on his deathbed.

"Nii-san, watch me!!!" Young Sasuke grinned, standing up on the rock confidently.

"Sasuke! No, Sasuke!!!! Don't jump off tha--" Itachi's eyes widened as Sasuke backflipped off the giant rock he used to train. The problem was that he miscalculated and ended up hitting his head hard on the rock. "Sasuke..." he muttered, picking up the crying little boy. "Why do you hurt yourself like this?"

Sasuke sniffled. "Sorry, nii-san." He rubbed his head through the duckbutt hair and winced.

Itachi's expression softened. "Where does it hurt, otouto?" He asked, concerned.

Sasuke took one of Itachi's hands and guided it to a spot on his head. He pressed it, ignoring the pain that shot through his head. "Here." He sniffled again, letting go of Itachi's hand.

Itachi felt the bump, then smiled and nodded. "It's a big one, but you should be fine. Now, you can let me use the little medical-ninjutsu I have, or just suck it up."

Sasuke frowned. His head really hurt, but at the same time, this was Itachi. He couldn't be a baby in front of his elder brother! "I'll suck it up." He nodded decisively, and smirked.

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