Oh no

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"What? What do you mean we have to go???" Boruto and Naruto chorused to the now-coughing Itachi Uchiha. He had just been dying moments ago, but was now okay and telling them they had to leave?

"They're coming for us, and we need to go. Now." Itachi repeated, scrambling to his feet. His eyes showed urgency that got everyone up and moving. Sasuke's leg shackles were cut open so he could run.

"Who's coming?" Boruto and Sarada asked at the same time. Sarada's eyes narrowed as she tried to sense for and presences aside from their own, but she wasn't a sensory ninja. "What are you talking about?"

"The Akatsuki. Tobi. Whoever he is." Itachi stood and went to Sakura. The pinkette looked at him, and he held out his bound hands to her. "Sakura, right? Can you undo these?"

Sakura looked down at the man's hands again, blushing slightly. She hadn't thought Sasuke's older brother would ask her for anything. "I can, but--"

"Thank you." Itachi sighed in relief. "I have to get my niece and her friend out of here. You guys head back to Konoha, and Sasuke will go back to... wherever he goes when he's not trying to kill me." He looked around waiting for any complaints. Then his calculating eyes scanned their surroundings.

Sakura just shook her head, and sighed, undoing the jutsu quickly and quietly. She didn't know what else to do, and no one had told her not to. Why do all Uchiha have to be so bossy?

Sasuke shot Itachi a scathing glare. He wasn't done with the elder Uchiha yet. "One, ouch, Itachi. Two, you're not just gonna walk off with my future daughter like that." Sasuke said. He was close to spitting out the last words.

Sarada sighed, exasperated, remembering something important. "Uncle Itachi, we have to bring Papa along. My mama would murder me if I let him die or something."

"Technically," Itachi frowned, feeling the pressure that they needed to go, "if he died, you wouldn't exist. Which means it's pretty much guaranteed that he'll make it."

"You bastard..." Sasuke snarled, obviously extremely ticked. Itachi still didn't let him do anything. "Let me go so I can defend my daughter!"

"Papa, come on," Sarada said, "You have to be reasonable. Arguing with authority all the time isn't the answer."

"Who the hell made him the 'authority' in the first place??" Sasuke snarled at her with a brooding look on his face. "I was just told that I have a daughter in the future. I'm so, so sorry for wanting to protect her." He finished sarcastically. He didn't really care about her that much yet, since they just met.

Sarada's eyes softened, and Sasuke's heart wrenched at that. "I don't know why," He sighed, completely done with life. He finally looked at Sarada, "I have a strange feeling that I need to protect you. So please, just let me do that and don't make my job harder than it needs to be." He finished, looking away.

Sakura caught the small blush that was on his pale cheeks and smiled softly at Sarada. Who knew?

"And no way in hėll am I gonna leave my future kid alone, believe it!" Naruto called out, smiling and raising his hands behind his head. Sakura shook her head at his stupidity, wondering when exactly he was going to grow up.

"So," Sakura put her hands on her hips, "where to, Itachi-san?" Itachi looked more than upset right now. While they were bickering, the Akatsuki managed to get closer.

"I've got a place, and it should work for now." Itachi said, turning around. He needed to get the people out of there so he could somehow distract the criminal organisation. "Follow me."

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