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OMG GUYS SORRY THIS IS SO LATE!!!! I fell asleep rlly early last night... 10:35... I know, rlly early. Anyway, I couldnt finish this last night and it's been bothering me all day... sorry...



"... obvious..." Sasuke stopped himself, staring at the piece of folded paper jutting out of the chair. A scrap of blue cloth was laying beside it.

Sasuke looked at the cloth, a confused expression on his face.

Kakashi frowned. "This is Sarada's. It's from the hoodie she wore when we rescued her from this place."

Sasuke looked at the paper inquisitively. "Did Sarada leave this note?" He asked, partially to himself, partially to Kakashi.

"Only one way to find out." Kakashi shrugged. Sasuke took the hint and opened the paper.

It wasn't from Sarada.

It was from Itachi.

Sasuke scanned the handwriting and was absolutely certain. "It's from Itachi."

"Well now, isn't that interesting? Our other missing Uchiha." Kakashi said, a smirk in his tone. "I wonder why he found this first..."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at the paper, and started at the beginning. "To whoever finds this," He read aloud for Kakashi. Kakashi came and read over his shoulder, and Sasuke switched to just reading it in his head, while Kakashi did the same.

To whoever finds this.

I'm suspecting it's otōto, but it could very well be Sakura or Shisui. I'm not going to say for certain.

If you aren't Sasuke, I suspect you should hand this letter to him immediately. If you are Sasuke, first of all, hi. You're probably wondering where I went.

That just happens to be what this letter is about.

You see this fabric? This was specifically torn from Sarada's outfit from the days she spent in here. Kakashi is with you, I'm sure. Tell him to summon one of his mutts and find her with it.

Kakashi pouted. "They aren't mutts..."

But you'll have to be careful. I've managed to get inside the organisation, but they're being lead by Madara. I'm not sure how long I can stay. So far, Sarada is perfectly fine, and thriving under Madara. She has become stronger in a matter of days.

I am concerned, however, that Madara will hurt or kill her. I need a way to get her out of here. And you guys need to leave the past as soon as we get Sarada out.

From the day I disappeared, to a week and three days from then, meet up with me. Orochimaru's hideout in Hebi no Mori at noon.

It must only be you, understand? And when you do find Sarada, do not engage Madara.

Back in Time (Naruto Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ