Shisui's House

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Itachi led the way into the field, shuffling Sarada on his back and making sure she wouldn't fall off or was comfortable. He told Sasuke and Kakashi to activate their Sharingan, and notified Sakura to step exactly where Sasuke and Naruto stepped. It was dangerous. This field was basically a minefield for traps, and any one of them could probably take a grown man's legs off. There was an invisible path that only those with the Sharingan could follow, but who's to say there weren't any more hidden?

In any case, extreme caution needed to be exercised there.

"Why did Shisui set so many traps here!?" Naruto complained loudly and obnoxiously. He really couldn't be less annoying.

"To keep people away, baka." Sakura retorted, then her gaze turned thoughtful. After a few seconds, she narrowed her eyes. "But the house doesn't seem to be getting any closer..."

Itachi stopped and looked at the house. It looked just as far away as it had been when they stepped out of the woods. Meaning...

"KAI!" Everyone shouted at the same time, making the seal for release. The genjutsu fell away, and now they saw where they really were- still standing at the edge of the woods. That jutsu was probably used to alert the owner of the house of the intruders, and to keep them occupied until the owner could come get them. Brilliant, really. Very Shisui-like.

"Great!" Boruto sighed. "Now we gotta walk all the way out there again."

"Well, at least we got the Genjutsu off us." Sakura said as well, turning her emerald eyes to look at the house longingly. "That saved a lot of time."

"You're still as talented at spotting Genjutsu as you used to be." Sasuke looked back at Sakura and said. He probably didn't realize it was a compliment, but Sakura took it. She nodded curtly, only blushing a little bit. The two were very tense and awkward around each other, after figuring out that they...

Well, they had a child together, apparently. Which means they had to do something to get her.

They both blushed again. Sakura was more obvious about it, but if you looked closely at Sasuke, you could see the red tinting his pale cheeks. And it wasn't just the cold.

"Oi, teme, are you blushing?? Bahaha, Look at this, Sakura-chan, teme's blushing. Wait, Sakura-chan, you too? Why are you guys blushing so hard?" Naruto laughed, grinning widely. This is too good to be true. Look at his face! "Oh look! You're both blushing harder!"

"Uncle Naruto, quit torturing them!" Sarada called from Itachi's back. She pitied her parents, as she had been a victim of Naruto's relentless teasing before. It wasn't fun, needless to say.

Kakashi and Itachi exchanged a glance, Kakashi exhaling sharply. "Takes awhile to get used to." Kakashi commented breathlessly, still completely weirded out by this whole thing.

"Yeah, no kidding." Itachi nodded, trying not to lose his balance.

"Hey!" Boruto and Sarada complained loudly to the elder men. They obviously were kidding.

"Sorry, sorry!" Kakashi snickered quietly. "It's just funny. This whole situation is funny."

Sarada glared, but when Naruto accidentally triggered one of the traps, she became occupied with trying not to be impaled by Kunai knives. They were flying at her from everywhere, and she ducked behind Itachi's back. He kept them all away with his own kunai, smiling fondly at the trap he helped make.

"Dāmmit, tou-san, can you not mess up for one second??" Boruto screeched as a knife nicked his blonde hair.

"WELL, CLEARLY I MESSED UP WITH YOU! You should've been a girl." Naruto muttered, dodging the kunai that were flying at him.

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