Madara Issue

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"And you're sure?" Madara leaned back on the chair that originally belonged to Orochimaru, but he was dead, so why not.

"Hai." Zetsu bowed his head. "We're quite sure."

Madara put his chin in his hand and rubbed his forehead. "Just when I think that she was going to be a help in the future..." He stood up and nodded to Zetsu. "Okay. That'll be all."

Zetsu dipped his head and disappeared.

Madara closed his eyes and exhaled. "It must be done."


Itachi walked down the dimly lit hallways, thoughts swimming around in his head. He'd thought he'd heard Sarada's voice last night, along with someone else-- someone familiar. He'd gone into her room to check, but she had been asleep in her bed. His suspicions were a figment of his imagination, apparently.

"Sarada?" He asked, knocking on her door. She opened it with a quick, nervous smile.

"Ahh, Itachi-jii! Ohayo gozaimasu!" She called, walking back into the room.

"Good morning, Sarada." Itachi replied. His niece seemed nervous and skittish. She was definitely hiding something-- but normally she was better at it than this. "Is there something you need to say to me?"

"What?" Sarada laughed, a bead of sweat dripping down her face. "No, of course not. Was there something you needed, ojii-san?"

She sure was in a hurry to get him out, he noticed. "Sarada, stop lying to me."

Then the door opened. "Hi guys. Family reunion? And you didn't invite me?" Madara... great.

"Madara-ojii-sama." Sarada dipped her head. She sat on her bed. "What brings everyone to my room?"

"You go first." Madara looked at Itachi. Itachi sighed and opened his mouth.

"I'm just checking up on her." Itachi looked at his relative. "What about you? What are you doing here?"

Madara went silent for a little. He looked out the window, then at his relatives. "You know, Sarada, this room originally belonged to your father when he was staying here with Orochimaru." Sarada looked up in sudden interest. "He designed it so if Sasuke ever came to his senses and tried to escape..."

Sarada's window snapped shut, and then disappeared entirely.

"... He couldn't let his vessel go, you know." Madara said thoughtfully.

The door slammed shut and the lock closed tight.

"And now that we have a little traitor in our midst, I can't exactly let you go, can i, Sarada-chan?" Madara said, looking at the girl. Sarada's eyes widened in realization and she turned to Itachi in fear.

"What?" Itachi asked, partly out of confusion, partly an act. He looked at Sarada in fake shock.

"Your cute little niece? She was seen with a Konoha Shinobi." Madara looked at Itachi. "Are you double-crossing me as well, Itachi?"

Itachi looked at the terrified girl and sighed. Thanks to someone she was apparently talking to last night, his cover was blown. "Yes." He stated firmly, activating his Sharingan.

Madara sighed, disappointed. "Both of you? You had such promise. So young."

Itachi pulled out a kunai and watched the elder Uchiha, but before he could attack Madara, the man disappeared. Then a few seconds after that, footsteps were heard a second after that, outside the room. Then the door vanished. They were trapped.

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