Grandpa Madara

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"We have to find her!" Boruto complained to his mom. "I am seriously going crazy waiting! I have to know if she's alive, where she's at, What she's doing! Who she's with! Where Itachi went! I have to know everything that happened since she left."

Hinata laughed. "You certainly got that from your father. The need to know everything."

"Oh yeah. Except Naruto doesn't get half the things he learns with the need to know everything. You're three times more intelligent than him because of Hinata." Younger Sakura floated by, then left the room looking for Izumi.

"I HEARD THAT, SAKURA!" Older Naruto shouted from where he was playing poker with the Sasuke's, his younger self, Tsunade, Shisui, Older Sakura and (shockingly) Izumi.

"GOOD!" Younger Sakura grinned. "BANANA!"

"BUBBLEGUM HEAD!" Older Naruto retaliated.



"BLONDIELOCKS!" She shouted, mocking Naruto's short hair.

Older Naruto narrowed his eyes at his cards. "STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE!!"





"Naruto." Sasuke said, pushing some chips toward the middle. "Shut. Up."

"She started it!" Naruto complained to his friend, pointing at the pinkette.

"Oh really? What did she do?" Sasuke asked, not looking up from his cards.

Naruto thought about it. And thought about it. And thought about it. Everyone's gazes turned to him, and even Sasuke had to look up. "I forgot..." Naruto finally murmured sheepishly.

Sasuke snorted, and before long everyone was on the floor laughing.

"Did my dad just spend 5 minutes yelling at Aunt Sakura for something he can't even remember?" Boruto whispered to Izumi.

Izumi nodded, giggling.

"My dad may actually be really dense..." Boruto groaned, facepalming.

"Well no duh, Boruto..." Sakura sighed. Looks like the denseness runs in the family too... "What have I been telling you this whole time?"

"Don't worry, it's adorable." Izumi laughed. "That's how he gets friends so quickly."

Boruto frowned, but continued to watch the game. When the laughter died down, things got a little more competitive. Sakura got out, so she left to go talk to Hinata. Soon after, Izumi was cut, and she ruffled Sasuke's hair. "You'd better win for me, Sasuke-kun. I can't steal my money back from the Hokage."

Sasuke glared at her, then rolled his eyes and went back to the game. Now it was only Shisui, Tsunade, Naruto and Sasuke left. Shisui was laughing at something Naruto was saying, and Tsunade was staring intently at her cards. Then Sasuke stood up and started cursing violently.

"Sasuke." Sakura said, looking over. "What's wrong?"

"Sakura, you, Shisui, Kakashi, Hinata, Izumi and Naruto come with me now. We missed something." Sasuke grabbed his cloak and opened the door.

Izumi frowned, but grabbed a cloak and followed him, Sakura at her tail.

Boruto followed, but was held back by younger Sakura, who had a rock solid grip on his shoulders. "Boruto. They don't need you."

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