Shisui comes to visit

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Uchiha Shisui had never been a giant fan of kids. The only one he specifically liked, had been Sasuke. And to Shisui's endless disorientation, Sasuke was all grown up now, and he had a daughter. Shisui was still a little freaked out by that. Little Sasuke-chan? He was all grown up now. And that was weird for Shisui.

"Sarada-chan really took after you, eh?" Shisui asked his old comrade. Itachi had always been like a little brother to him, and he couldn't help but care about his family.

"I hope so. She's probably more like Sakura and Sasuke than me." Itachi replied, leading the way down the hallway. They were on the way to his niece's cell. And now, apparently, everyone else had ended up there too. Shisui heard the Kyuubi jinchuriki was friends with Sasuke-san. Along with the med-nin trained by Tsunade-sama herself.

Surrounding yourself with talented people, eh, Sasuke? These must be your friends.

"I think she ended up a lot like you, actually." Shisui observed. "The way she carries herself... she gets her pride from her father, but the intelligence in the way she acts... that's definitely similar to how you act."

Itachi smiled a little. "Huh. I'd thought that was a Sakura thing."

"Well, she is a lot like you." Shisui said. "She has an intelligent, almost... queenly air to her that commands respect, like you. She also looks a little like you. And she has your depressingness too."

Itachi chuckled. "I'm not depressing."

"Sure." Shisui shook his head. He had really missed his little brother figure. Itachi had been his best friend for a long while, before Shisui had supposedly killed himself at age 16. Itachi had only been 13. Shisui winced at how Itachi must've felt. "Gomenasai, Itachi."

Itachi looked at Shisui. "It's.... it's okay. I'm fine."

They got to Sarada's cell door and heard voices arguing inside.

"You don't have to lie and say you're okay. I'm still your best friend. You can tell me anything." Itachi sensed genuineness in Shisui's voice.

"I'm really okay, Shisui. Let's go." Itachi dismissed the idea of talking to him right then. In all truth, he just wanted to talk to Shisui for hours, explaining what happened with the massacre, why he joined the Akatsuki, everything.

But they didn't have time for that.


"I am so BORED," Boruto complained, banging his head on the wall. "Why am I so bored?"

"Because you're stuck in a cell with a bunch of Temes and no ramen." Naruto sighed heavily. "I know because I'm in the same boat."

"Can you go without ramen for 3 seconds????" Sarada groaned.

"The longest I've went was 5 minutes." Naruto shrugged. "I've never tried to go without ramen."

"Like that's a good thing?!" Sarada massaged her temples. "Mama, how do you deal with Boruto and Uncle Naruto without killing them?"

"I normally don't deal." Sakura raised her head temporarily from the wall where she was staring helplessly at the ceiling. "Just punch him. That helps."

"HAI!" Sarada nodded, smacking Boruto over the head. "SHANNAROOO!"

"My, you're so loud, Sarada-chan."

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