The Beginning

45.6K 896 1.5K

Don't listen to the song just yet...

Edit, Feb 4, 2021: Hey besties, your girl is finally working on revamping this book bc I feel bad for the people that read it beforehand.

If you're just starting out with the reading, I would suggest you put it off until I make another edit here that claims that the editing process is finished. This story was mega-cringe, written by a 12-13 year old child and finished years ago. I'm going to be 17 this year. This kind of writing is ridiculous lol so I'm going thru and fixing what I can plot hole/cringe/grammar wise and in the wise words of Gen Z "make it make sense".

(Edit to the edit October 2023) hey y'all lmao so I only worked on half of this in 2021 so I suspect that the quality (if there was any quality to it) of it goes down significantly somewhere in the middle (?) but I wrote this like 6 or 7 years ago now and I'm in college now and I just don't have the energy to edit it again so like I've been saying at this whole time, read at ur own risk !! ty lovelies <3 idk why this fic has 400k reads honestly. that's insane. i'm embarrassed so many of you saw this but at the same time I love and appreciate you all very much and your comments still make me smile on the rare occasion that I drop by here 😭

I DO NOT recommend reading this during the editing process as MANY THINGS are being changed and will not make sense in the later chapters since I'm editing this book from the first to last chapters. Idk, put it on your 'to be read' list or something, lol.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you- during this time if you're looking for a good Naruto Time travel ff I recommend An Inch of Gold By KuriQuinn  or my other book 'If', which is more well written.


The sun poked through the window, even though Sarada's curtains were closed. She sighed and sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes. She stood, stretching, and putting on socks. "Today's Saturday." She smiled a little, sighing in relief. She loved her team, but they were a hand full that she didn't feel like dealing with 24/7. "Thank God."

She looked on her desk and sighed, glaring at the large amount of homework Konohamaru-sensei had assigned to her team. For some reason he, unlike Uncle Naruto's, Papa's and Mama's sensei, Kakashi, enjoyed homework, calling it a 'necessary learning experience'. Sarada thought Konohamaru really just liked bugging them. It drove her crazy, but they were mostly easy to do.

"Sarada!" Sarada's mother, Sakura, called from downstairs. Sarada's face turned in the direction of the closed door. "Wake up, honey!"

Sarada rolled her eyes and opened the door to her room to shout down. "I'm up, Mama!"

"Then come to eat breakfast." Her mother shouted from below. Sarada winced, before turning around and checking to see that everything was in order, just in case her OCD mother came up here to check while she was eating. Homework she'd need to do later was sprawled over her desk, but other than that, it was pretty clean. Aside from the bed Sarada never made, anyway.

Why's she doing that? She's normally never here. Always at the hospital working.

"Okay?" Sarada murmured, going downstairs and into the kitchen where delicious smells were wafting into the hallway. Her mother's medicine could kill a grown man, but her food was actually surprisingly good. Sasuke had assured her it had taken years of practice. Sakura smacked her husband over the head at that, making Sasuke chuckle. Sarada pushed open the traditionally styled sliding door and stepped in, closing it behind her.

There, sitting at the table, casually eating a tomato, was her father. It wouldn't have been a been a big deal for a normal family, but Sarada's family was far from normal. Very, very far from normal.

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