29 - Awards Night

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Jungkook POV

Park Shinye is walking towards the microphone stand to announce the winner of the Best Actor award.

The beautiful actress then said, "Good evening, I am here to announce the winner of Baeksang Film Award for Best Actor... the nominees are Park Bogum for The Blacksmith, Yoon Ahin for The Day you Walked Away, Kim Taehyung for Murder in Busan; Lee Seunggi for The Entertainer and Jeon Jungkook for Our Last Kiss.

Everything is just so surreal, like every moment was a dream. I am so nervous!!

Shinye is now opening the envelope. "The Baeksang Award goes to.... Jeon Jungkook for Our Last Kiss."

I could hear everyone's gasping. All eyes in the Korea Cultural Center Auditorium are focusing on me. I couldn't believe it! I WON! I stood up, covered my mouth. I am so happy!

I was hugged by Jimin and Yoongi and also Youngjae. Park Bogum approached me from his seat to give me a handshake. Everyone stood up and I hear applause and loud cheers. I went up the stage, bowed to Park Shinye and took the trophy. I HAVE A TROPHY!

"First of us, Thank you to all the jurors of the Baeksang Academy Awards for choosing me as the winner. I could not believe that I am nominated together with brilliant actors like Park Bogum, Yoon Ahin, Lee Seunggi.... And Kim Taehyung... They deserve an award for their outstanding performances. To my agency, MYG entertainment and to our director, producers and everyone who worked in our small independent movie, thank you very much. I never thought that I would be an actor or performer, my future was set already a year ago, before my parents..... I know they are watching over me in heaven, I may not see them now, but I know they are with me, here in my heart..., again Thank you!"

I bowed to everyone and then I saw Taehyung in the front, who gave me a wide smile and a thumbs up! What a pretentious bastard!

I was then escorted to the backstage for a press briefing. When I entered the platform, a hundred cameras greeted me with their flashes. The MC then said, "We will only accommodate three questions."

I saw a lady in the front and called her to ask a question, "First of all congratulations, I just want to say many people actually expected you to win, what do you feel right now?"

"Actually, I am not sure, probably it has not sunk in yet, I just wish my parents are here and see me win..."

I am now sobbing, but I am holding my tears back.

Then I called a guy in the right. "Congratulations Jungkook, again we commend you for your marvelous performance, your fans are anticipating for your next acting project? But is it true that you don't have plans in going back to acting?"

"I think you might have heard that my agency have turned down offers from movie and television production companies for me to be part of their projects. That is because, my band, CGate is going to debut in February. So I am going to focus on our music first before anything else."

A guy in the back was raising his hand for the last question, I saw him and asked him for his question. "Congrats Jungkook, Taehyung's fans have been posting nasty comments in social media against you, but it seems like your fans are also fighting back, it seems like a new rivalry between you and Taehyung is brewing and there is an ongoing fan war. Are you ok with Kim Taehyung? Do you have a comment about this?"

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