6 - Bangtan Peak

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Jungkook POV

I want to tell you the truth Taehyung. But I don't know why I could not say it. YES, I AM GAY! and I like you Taehyung! I LIKE YOU A LOT!

But I have no chance to you. Look at me, I am just a boy from the countryside, a son of farmers and you are a big K-Pop star, a son of the most famous actress in Korea and the governor of the province of South Gyeongsang. While you are a diamond, I am just a pebble.

I could see the peak from where I am standing. The forest around us is getting denser as we trekked upward. Taehyung is behind me taking deep breaths. Being a city boy all his life, he is obviously not used to this. We are now taking careful steps towards our destination. One slip up and we will fall to the bottom of the ravine.

"Let's be careful hyung..."

We did not talk for a minute, focusing our minds on the dangerous trail ahead. Then...


I turned around and saw Taehyung holding on to a branch hanging on.


I ran fast towards him. I did not mind that I was carrying a heavy load and my feet are inches away from the edge of the cliff.

I took his hand and used all my strength to pull him towards me. He was able to climb up to the edge. I pulled him too hard and both of us fell to the ground. Taehyung is on top of me. He hugged me so tightly and cried frantically.

I patted his back.

"It is ok now hyung, you are safe."

He is still crying hard hugging me tightly, then he lifted his head, looking at me.

"I thought I will die." Taehyung said and again embraced me.

"You are safe now, I am with you" 

and I continued patting his back. I wish he will stay with me this way forever. My Tae Tae, hug me close, I will never leave you. He cried until he run out of tears.

"Common, lets go! The peak is waiting for us"

We both stood up and continued to walk forward. Then, he grabbed my hand. Taehyung is holding my hand! He said, "Jungkook, please don't let go."

I nodded and we continued to walk until we reached the top of the mountain. We dropped our backpacks and ran to the edge. Gazing at the wide horizon, we shouted as loud we can.


Taehyung POV

I was preparing our tent and the sleeping mats, while Jungkook was grilling our food.

"Tae Hyung, the food is ready!" Jungkook shouts. Isn't this kind of weird? We are acting like we are a married couple.

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