28 - The Scuffle

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Taehyung POV

I was taking a pee at the urinal, when someone poked me. It is Jiwon. "Hi cutie."

"Hi Jiwon."

We are both washing our hands in the sink. "I miss you Tae." he said.

I gave him a small smile and walk towards the door. But he kept on blocking my way.

"Jiwon, I don't have time to play games!"

He suddenly pushed me hard to the wall and dragged me to the cubicle. He gripped my wrists and started to attack my neck and lips. I tried myself to free myself from his control but he is too big and too strong.

"Jiwon, stop! Stop!"

He is unbuttoning and unzipping my pants and tries to flip me over. He is trying to fuck me! Now, I am crying hard.

"No!! No!! Please No!"

Then suddenly the door opened, it was too fast, someone seized Jiwon out of the toilet and I hear Jiwon being punched in the head by this guy. I went out of the cubicle and its Jongdae.

Jiwon is still bigger than him. He shoved him and punched him in the gut. Jiwon continued to hit and kick Jongdae.

"Stop it Jiwon! Stop!"

Then, two muscled guys, who look like big as bouncers came in. briskly grabbed Jiwon from hitting my boyfriend, and gave him a beating. Jongdae was just standing watching them beat the hell out of Jiwon. Who are these guys? I know them they are Jongdae's bodyguards. When I saw Jiwon all blooded, I pleaded Jongdae's security to stop.

Jiwon was in his knees, blood in his face, lips and hands, crying "Taehyung, I am sorry, I miss you so much... you kept on avoiding me all this time... I couldn't control myself... I love you Tae! I love you!"

I am a loss for words. I am angry at him for almost raping me but I also pity him. I thought that what we did in the past was all fun and games for him... I never knew that he has feelings for me. He was my friend, a bandmate, and sometimes a brother. He doesn't deserve this. Why am I so cruel?

Jongdae then said, "Take him to a hospital, go to the back door."

His security then took my groupmate and brought him out the restroom. "Are you ok babe?"

I want to scream. I want to cry but no tear goes out. My boyfriend is petting my back. No, I need to process these things and be by myself.

"Just wait for me at our table, I just need a minute alone Dae."

Then, someone is at the doorway looking at us. It is Kookie.

I hope you didn't hear anything, but if you did... please don't mock me Kookie... spare me. Not today please!

Jungkook POV

I heard everything, the scuffle between Jiwon, Jongdae and his security and Jiwon's confession, but I didn't want to interrupt them. So they are fighting over Tae? Taehyung is really something.

As soon as I saw Jiwon and Jongdae's security go out of the restroom, I then went inside but I see Jongdae comforting Taehyung. I am looking at Tae's clothes and they are untucked. Was he crying? He looks like a mess. Was he attacked? Why am I concerned at him? He fucking left you in the middle of the storm. You were just a fuck. He now has a rich ass boyfriend. He may have helped in making up fake stories about you Jungkook!

"Babe, be quick ok?" Jongdae then left the rest room. You call him Babe? Yuck!

I went to the urinal to pee then to the sink to wash my hands.

Taehyung was just staring at the mirror staring at my movements. "You heard everything?"

I grinned at him.

"Pretty much."

I kept on mockingly look at him in the mirror, while he is tucking his shirt to his pants and fix his hair. Taehyung is also glancing at me, then angrily said, "You have something to say?... say it?!"

"Ok if you say so... I may have changed Tae, but you in the other hand is still the same... you are still a slut."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Tae grabbed me and slammed me to wall. Ouch my back! But I kept my face unaffected.

Taehyung held my collar and screamed, "I know why you are fucking here, you want to take your revenge? You want to get back at me for leaving you? I will tell you this once, you can never beat me. I am the prince of Hallyu. You are just a son of rice farmers."

That's right Tae..  Hate me Taehyung! Hit me now! So that I could only feel is hate and I wouldn't have to love you anymore.

"Huh? You think so high of yourself. I am so over with what happened in Gyeongsang... that was just a fuck! I am here to reach my dreams and no one, not even you can stop me."

Taehyung moved his face closer to mine. Our lips are only five inches apart. Don't kiss me fucker... He whispered furiously, "You think you can stop me? I will crush you like a little peanut."

I smirked and coldly looked at Taehyung.

"Really? Then I dare you to hit me."

I will tease you Taetae! I placed my hand in his thighs and slowly moved it towards his crotch. I was about to grab his member when he moved back away from me, looking confused. No, he can never hit me.

"I thought so.. coward!"

I, then walked out of the restroom, leaving him defeated.



I don't know if you remember Jiwon or Bobby were talking that him and Tae were fucking buddies before the story started. It was the chapter when they arrived from their concert tour.

ULTIMATE RIVALS {Taekook}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें