39 - Tense and Restless

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Taehyung POV

Jungkook and I barely slept last night. Thinking of what will happen in the meeting tomorrow. Will we confess that we are dating? Will we be fired immediately? Will our teammates be furious at us for ruining the reputation of the group? How will our fans react when they know about us? So many unanswered questions in our mind... Because we couldn't sleep and can't seem to relax, we decided to go back to Seoul at the wee hours of dawn, at 3am, so that we could at least be rested for the meeting.

I parked my car outside Jungkook's dorm.

Then like a whisper, he said, "Babe, are you sure that we will tell them the truth later?"

"I don't know babe... but I think its better that they know the truth... let us just hope that they would come up with a plan so that it wouldn't leak to the public. How about you?"

"I am actually not worried about you or your group, you are all established idols, I know you still have fans and careers after this... I am more worried about my group mates, we are still rookies, I know that this will affect their careers and will be always hounded by this scandal." Jungkook answered. His face is obvously full of worry.

"Come here..."

I gave Jungkook a tight hug and kissed him in the lips before he left to his dorm. 

"and get some sleep..."

In the condominium, I still couldn't sleep. After years of hardwork, everything may end because of this... Am I prepared to give up everything?.... Will Jungkook deny our relationship so that I would be able continue my dream? 

Then.. the doorbell sounded.. Who could be looking for me at 4 am? Is it Hoseok? Does he know our plot against him?

When I opened the door.. its mom.

"Eomma, you are here early... do you need anything from me?"

My mother didn't say anything and walked straight to the living room.

"Ma, why are you here exactly?"

Then she gave me a big slap to my face.

"Ma!!! Why?!"

She shrieking shouted, " You rascal! I told you to stay away from that boy! I told you he is the son of your father's mistress! I told you to stay away from him.. to hate him and you still see him?! and now I know from someone that you are dating him... You are just too much Taehyung! I couldn't believe that you are like this... you are an ungrateful child! Everything you have... everything you own... is because of me.. I worked and sacrificed my whole life to be where at we are right now! You monster!"

I just stood there, didn't fight back, then punched her fists in my chest, "You monster! I wish I never met your father... I wish you have never been born! I wish I could have just aborted you!" 

Aborted me? I am sure she has thought about it before for the sake of her career. I have my parents but why do I feel that we have never been a family. She always puts her career first over us. But why do I feel numb? Why can't any feel any emotions?

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