27 - Awkward Encounter

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Taehyung POV

"Good evening Taehyung sunbae, Jongdae sunbae..." Jungkook then seated across us. It felt so awkward. My current boyfriend, my ex-boyfriend and I are in the same table.

Jongdae surprised me tonight. He never told me that he will be an honorary guest for tonight's show. He will be given a special award for his humanitarian efforts.

While the program is ongoing, I kept on glancing at Kookie. I couldn't help it. He looks so dashing in his suit and he seems to have buffed up. Gym rat Jungkookie? But his eyes are focusing on the stage. He occasionally talks with the other nominees, but he has never talked to me and Jongdae.

One time, our eyes met, but he turned his eyes right away. Jungkook, I want to have a moment with you. Give me that chance.

Then the MC, the beautiful actress, Kim Taehee asked us, the nominees for Best Actor to come up on stage for the press panel. There are five chairs in front. I sat at the 2nd chair from the right, while Jungkook is at the rightmost. So, he is actually next to me.

We are asked one question each. The question was drafted by the press. They say jurors decide their vote on how we answer the question. I must remain focused and calm.

All the first three nominees already answered their questions. And they were brilliant as always. It is now my turn. I saw my mom in the audience looking very nervous.

Kim Taehee asked, "Taehyung ssi, in your movie, your character, who has mental disability, was accused of rape and murder, your character seems powerless.. but, this is so much contrast to your personal life, I mean, you are a famous idol, son of prominent parents... how did you internalize the role, which is so different from what you are?"

"Thank you sunbaenim for that question, Yes, our lives may be different from each other, as I am, what you say, a famous idol... But, we actually have a lot of similarities. If my character, Jaejae is trapped because of his mental limitations and his social status, I feel some sort of trap too with all the pressures of society as an idol and a son of the most legendary actress in Korea."

I looked at my mom, and she is in tears.

"But even if both my character and I are locked in this transparent cage, we never lose hope. Jaejae never lose hope, he kept on holding on to his dream that he will be cleared and be set free. I, however, still hope that in my lifetime I will be free from all the expectations and I can truly achieve genuine happiness."

Everyone is clapping. My director, producer and executives from GPS are standing and cheering. Jongdae is also standing. Wait, is that Jiwon a.k.a. Bobby in the audience? Oh, I forgot he performed in the pre-show.

I think I gave a good answer. What is my genuine happiness? Why am I thinking of Bangtan Peak? Why am I imagining Jungkook sleeping in my arms in the tent?

It's Jungkook's turn...

Kim Taehee asked, "Jungkook ssi, I think the last third part of your movie, are the most emotional scenes we have seen in the history of Korean cinema.. your acting was superb, you showed how it feels to be utterly betrayed, the rage and the sorrow that you displayed on screen was so raw, it gave all of us chills. You are still 19, but where are those emotions coming from?"

Jungkook smiled, "Good evening everyone, Thank you Taehee sunbae for your nice compliments, the truth is I never really tried to process the character that much because I don't want to be too self-conscious, if my acting is correct or not. I acted on what my character is feeling per scene and how he reacts to the situation. If you ask me if I experienced, love, being betrayed, or being furious or being depressed, Yes, I have, even if I am just 19 and a poor peasant. All of us are not exempted from feeling these strong emotions. But, we can't let the past chain us, we need to stand up and be a better version of ourselves."

I know what you said is about me Kookie. I glanced at him but his eyes are at the audience, his smile is so captivating. He kept on bowing at the audience.

Everyone seems to clap at his answer. Some are standing up, cheering for Kookie. I see a short young guy with pale skin standing. Is that the infamous Min Yoongi?

"Let us all give a round of applause to our talented and handsome Best Actor nominees, Thank you very much, you may go back to your seats." Kim Taehee then introduced the next performers.

We are now in our table but I needed to go the restroom, so I told Jongdae. And he said "Okay go babe." It was too loud, I think Kookie must have heard it.

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